Thursday, February 28, 2008
I cannot handle this.
Anyway, tonight we say goodbye to four more people and let's hope America got it right. But first we start out with more awful 70s music, which I literally don't even watch, I just listen to it from inside my closet as I'm trying to get my outfit together for tomorrow.
OK, guys first. First guy out is...Jason Y. Totally called that one. He's probably not a bad guy, and I bet he's a good dad, but I'm not sad to see him go. Peace, Jason. Thanks for playing.
Seriously, Steve Sanders. "Your Mama Can't Dance"? And it's on LIFETIME, no less. The Peach Pit is about a thousand miles away, isn't it?
I can barely type this because I think my head exploded when Ryan said Amanda freakin' Overmeyer was safe and my home slice Alexandrea is OUT!? How can this be??? I know Alexandrea had a bad night last night but Amanda. Didn't. EVEN. SING. I know this is because of Vote for the Worst. I just know it. GOD. Bye, Alexandrea. We'll always have Blood, Sweat & Tears. OMG, David A. is a bawling mess. I'd cry too David. He's probably scared shitless of Amanda. I would love to take David A. and Alexandrea out for ice cream or something, LOL.
Another girl is about to get cut. It's down to Kady and Alaina. This is a no-brainer, right? Except...what? WHAT? You have to be kidding me! Alaina's out, and she loses her shit all over the place. Rightly so. She blew it with song choice, but she was miles better than Kady, and she damn well knows it. Damn. BOYCOTT the singout Alaina! I've always hated that mess. Damn, she's going to do it. SIGH. I hate this show sometimes. Moments I loved like Chikezie and David working it on Tuesday are completely forgotten when this shit happens. BLAH.
Oh God, Idol Gives Back. BOO. Miley Cyrus is going to be on this year, which: of course. HEEEEE. What else comes on tonight? I can't wait for the Office to come back.
Time for the second guy to go. It's down to Luke (take off your shirt!) and Robbie (take off your wig!) I'll admit, I totally thought Luke was gone. But in a bit of a surprise, it's Robbie. I wasn't buying his shtick, and looks like America wasn't either. He was definitely not the worst voice on the show, though. So basically, I agree with about 1.5 of the 4 choices tonight. Terrible odds.
OK, that does it for me this week. Brenna's going to take the performance nights next week and in a special treat, I'll handle the results night with Bren's husband Joe, as I blog from their place in Virginia while I look for OUR own place in Virginia! Cheers!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
We open up with Carly, who tells us her fun fact is that not only does she own a tat shop with her husband, in an IRISH pub. Because she's IRISH. Get it? So she sings a Heart song that we have to hear is her favorite at least three times when she's done. It's just okay. I've heard some things out of Carly that lead me to think she's better than this. People probably shouldn't pick to sing their favorite songs on here (and it happens A LOT) because it's never as good as it sounds when they sing it alone in their shower.
Also, I need to digress for a minute and say how it completely fascinates me that someone can have a thick accent in their speaking voice but then when they sing, it's GONE. That has been something that's driven me crazy since the dawn of time. How does this haaaaaaaaaaappen?
Syesha went ahead and freaked me the hell out by doing her impersonation of a baby crying. I'm going to have nightmares tonight about that sound coming out of someone who looks like Syesha. I really liked her last week, and I tend to think she's one of the stronger females, but this performance ("Me & Mrs Jones") is a snooze-fest. I think her voice is great, but 70s music is so freaking boring. Hey, there's Danny and his shiny hair! Does anyone know what brand of flat iron they use on him?
Brooke tells us she used to go to beauty school, which IS a shock for me because I always think her hair looks ratty. Use conditioner, Brooke! She comes out with a guitar and sings "You're So Vain" and totally works it. I love this. I personally thought there were a couple places where she went a little flat and lost it a bit, but for the most part, she rocked and looked totally comfortable up there. Perfect song for her.
Ramiele's hidden fun fact is that she's a polynesian dancer. Is that supposed to be capitalized? She's cute as a button. She's dressed in the worst outfit ever and sings "Don't Leave Me This Way", which I expected to be a lot better than it was. She has this weird stare going on at one part and it almost looks like she's reading cue cards or something. She's got the voice in there, but this fell flat. She was in my top three last week, but this isn't good. Come on, Ramiele! Bring the big notes!
Kristy Lee shocks the hell out of us by telling us that she's a tomboy. OMG, who dressed these girls tonight???? If Heidi Klum were judging her outfit on Project Runway, she'd say it looked cheap and homesewn. I see Kristy's decided to take the Haley Scarnato route and boob it up for us. I have to give her credit, even though I loathe her, she's a hell of a lot better than she was last week, singing "Baby, You're No Good." Damn. That probably means she's safe. Simon thinks she'd be more comfortable in country music, which is probably true, but I don't want to find out.
Jesus, okay, it's time for Amanda. In her interview package she tells us she's a bookworm while rocking Bret Michael's bandana. You guys, I'm sorry. This is NOT GOOD. I really really wish Amanda were better because she is the antithesis of Kristy Lee. She sings "Carry On My Wayward Son" and prompts Paula to comment "You can dance!" Um...this isn't a dancing show, thanks Abdul. She's a mess on the verses, which Randy and I agree with, and I really don't know what to do about her.
It's time for Alaina, who looks more and more like Carrie Underwood with a gap every week. I have to say, I kind of love her a little bit and I think her goofy fact about not liking her food to touch is kind of hilarious. And of course, because I decide to love her, she picks the most boring, WORST song ever for 70s week ("Hopelessly Devoted"). Technically, I think she sounds very good, but the song itself does nothing for me. Everyone is totally biffing song choice this week. GOD.
Alexandrea continues to rock my world by telling us that she was going to try out for the Atlanta Fire Department because that's what her dad does. OMG she is WEARING ANKLE BOOTS. GIRL. 80s week is NEXT WEEK (probably). She sings Chicago's "If You Leave Me Now" and is only okay. There's a good voice in there, and she's hilarious when Randy asks her what she thought and she says "it's over!" I f'ing love this girl, I don't even care that she's not the best vocalist. The judges all proclaim it a safe/boring choice, and I agree but I totally do not want her to go home yet.
I really really hope Kady goes home this week. Her hidden talent is that she can sing opera, which makes me cringe as much as the Britney impression. DEAR AMERICAN IDOL: WE GET IT. Kady can impersonate Britney. Please don't show that ever again. She comes out in leggings --again: 80s week is NEXT WEEK--butchering some Heart song that I didn't even bother to look up. She sucks and I hate this. I hope she's gone next week.
We close the show tonight with Asia'h. Pardon me while I gag as she likens AI to CHEER CAMP, which she just totally loooooooooooooves. I could insert a joke in here about Ryan's spirit stick, but I'm too tired at this point and I want to watch Project Runway. Asia'h is working some extensions tonight and she proceeds to stab herself right in the heart in front of us by completely screwing up "All By Myself". I have in my notes "song TOO big for her" and Simon says this exactly. Word, Simon.
It's nights like this that make me wish so bad that this show didn't implement the "6 guys, 6 girls" mandatory format, because I would love to get rid of everyone except Brooke, Alexandrea and Alaina and let them battle it out with a bunch of the guys, minus Jason Yeager. I think Brooke is definitely safe, but while there were some technically good performances in the bunch, no one blew me away enough for me to guarantee their safety. Tomorrow night should be interesting! Stay tuned!

Y'all, please look at this pic of Robbie Carrico from his days in "Boyz N Girlz United" (yeah, I know).
No wonder he was pissed the hell off when Simon or whoever said he looked like Justin Timberlake in the face. He looks like if Rob Thomas and JTim (circa "Tearin' Up My Heart") had a baby. Dear Robbie--wash your hair, then cut it, then highlight it, lose the rock vibe and if you make it to next week, please sing some NKOTB, as it's looking like it's going to be 80s week.
Love, everyone.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Papa Was a Rollin' Stone
So: week two of the top 24 semifinals guys' night. Let's get crackin' and see what fresh hell the producers have unleashed on us tonight by sticking to the ridiculous notion that the top 24 needs theme nights.
We're starting out with Michael, which has to suck for him after being given the pimp spot last week. This week is, "What doesn't America know about you?" and Michael's earth-shattering disclosure is that he plays tennis. That info will move mountains, Michael. He's chosen Fleetwood Mac's "Go Your Own Way", which is okay, but I'm not thrilled by this. For me it doesn't really get started until he hits about the second chorus and then he finished it out okay, but I'm not really sold on this performance.
Jason C.'s revelation to America is that he hates doing interviews, which is kind of hilarious considering that American Idol is a breeding ground for fame whores. Anyway, he's refreshingly adorable and doofy during his intro package. This isn't the Bee Gees, but it IS Andy Gibb and that's enough of a Gee for me to prove I was right. I LOVE his performance. Apparently I'm in the minority since all of the judges hated it, but I thought it was pure, soulful and very sweet. I can't move past the hair, though. That hair does not belong on that face.
I'd like to sidebar for a moment and say that Paula is actually making sense. I know.
OK, Luke's confession is cracking my shit up. Is ANYONE shocked to learn that he was in an a capella group?? I didn't think so. Again, I am apparently in the minority (at least between me and Randy and Paula), but I thought this blew ("Killer Queen"). A lot of people have tried to emulate Freddy Mercury, and you, Luke Menard, are no Freddy. Totally agree with Simon--no personality. Take off your shirt Luke! We still love you!
Robbie decided he didn't need to wash his hair tonight, which just screams rock, doesn't it? His big secret is that he drag races cars, and I am not even going to dignify that with a response. The second I heard the first notes of "Hot-Blooded" I can hear someone on the panel comparing this to either karaoke or a bar singer. Robbie's got on all his "rock" accoutrements tonight--leather cuffs, chain wallet, carabiner (are carabiners even rock?)--but I'm not buying it. Liked you last week Robbie, bored with you this week.
Tonight Danny's telling us that when he was 14 he was in a "punk rock" band. Dear God. The accompanying pictures only serve to confuse me about which person is Danny. Oh my god, you guys. He's totally singing "Superstar" by the Carpenters, which is from one of the most hilarious scenes in a Chris Farley movie ever. I wish he would have rocked this out more. I love his bangs! I think he sounds good on the chorus but a little weak on the verses. A definite improvement over last week though.
David H. bored me to tears last week. I had to reference the blog to even remember him. He used to do gymnastics and the line of the night goes to David with "I won like 10 medals or something." Awesome. He works it out this week to the Temptations, prompting me to name this blog entry after his song. Question: is that a blazer WITH a hood or a hoodie under a blazer? His voice actually reminds me of Elliott a little bit, which is never a bad thing. Simon crowns him with "best of the night so far" and I totally agree.
Jason Y. says that he is self-taught on a variety of instruments, which I think is kind of rad. What is not rad is this performance. I don't even know what the song is, but his performance totally reminds me of Tom Jones. He's all cheesy with arm movements and terrible dancing. His voice is okay, but not the best, and he's on my list to be at the bottom, if not out tomorrow. I have written in my notes "really nice ass", which is something.
Brenna and I had guaranteed Chikezie a goner last week with his Simon backtalk. His fun fact is that the origin of his name and himself is Nigerian. That's actually an interesting fact. Thanks, Chikezie. He's singing a Donny Hathaway song I don't know, but he is, to quote Randy, "blazin'." Like Simon said to David H., it's refreshing to see people take constructive criticism and turn it into something good. I enjoyed him this week, and he's probably safe until next week.
David Cook's big secret is that he is a word nerd. I thought he was going to say that he likes looking in girls' windows, because I get this totally creepy perv vibe from him. He and his greasy bangs sing "All Right Now" and there is way too much backup vocal going on. I actually believe him as a more authentic rocker than Robbie--and the judges say the same thing, word--but I just really cannot stand him. Plus, he ramps up the Simon cheeky backtalk, which I do not tolerate, so: shut up David.
Last but not least is my sweet little David A. His video package makes me feel about a hundred (he was ELEVEN when he met the season 1 finalists; I was writing my senior thesis in college at the exact same time, damn) but it's pretty amazing to see Kelly Clarkson's face watching him sing. His song choice is "Imagine" which is a HUGE risk. I was so afraid for him, but I am not ashamed to say I was moved to tears. This song makes me cry anyway (shut up, everyone) but David just put so much heart and soul in this. I love him. Will he win? Maybe not, but I call at least top 4 for him.
So, basically, 70s night sucks ass, but my top three of the night are David H., David A. and Chikezie, shockingly. Middle of the pack are Jason C., Robbie, Michael, and Danny. Bottom dwellers for me are Jason Y., Luke (tear!) and David C. I'm thinking Jason Y.'s out--don't follow up "Moon River" with the Doobie Brothers, dude--and it probably should be Luke, but anything can happen. I'll be here all week, folks--Brenna's enjoying the big apple this week! See you tomorrow!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Oscar Night - Red Carpet Review
If I had a laptop, I would have live-blogged. It was that good. However, I didn’t want to be chained to my PC all night, so you’re going to have to rely on my memory. A few quick hit observations:
- How inappropriate can Seacrest be? Is he so repressed on Idol, being forced to ask questions like “How will you lose your musical theatricality?” that he feels the need to ask the hard-hitting questions at the red carpet? Is that why he asked Jessica Biel if she was going to breastfeed? Inappropriate. On many levels.
- I want there to be a TV show starring Seacrest, James MacAvoy, and his lovely date whose name I do not know. James MacAvoy may have become one of my favorite people ever, based solely on his red carpet interview. Dude is hilarious and has a wicked awesome accent. His lady friend was just as amusing. And this is where they get bonus points – they made Seacrest seem like he had a personality. I think getting a few beers in all of them would make it even more hysterical. E! You’ll give anyone a show. Jump on board with this.
- I have no words for the Gary Busey-Jennifer Garner fiasco. I watched it live. I was honestly scared for Jennifer Garner’s safety. Her daughter is way too precious and can not lose her mother to the craziness that is Gary Busey. For those of you who missed it, video is below. I really don’t think J-Garn will ever interview with Seacrest again.
All in all, I'd give Seacrest a C+. Not enough crazy to make it really entertaining. Maybe they should hire Gary Busey on as a sidekick next year.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Results Night as seen through the eyes of my DVR
Fast forward, fast forward, fast forward, Seacrest probably telling me everyone is awesome, commercials, Randy saying jibberish, ooh goody, a group sing!, commercials, recap of the boys, dramatic lighting, Seacrest talking to the boys and.... play. Just in time to say goodbye to Garrett. Darn it, now I'll never get to find out what product they used on his hair. Hallelujah, maybe America learned something about the Sanjaya fiasco of '07. Stay away from boys with pretty hair. And... fast forward, fast forward, fast forward, recaps of the girls, Seacrest with dramatic lighting, and.... play. Goodbye, Amy! Honestly can't say anything about you. And... fast forward, fast forward, more Seacrest jibberish, wait a second, was that a Paula Abdul music video? May have to rewind for that... fast forward, fast forward, and... There's Joanne and Amanda centerstage with dramatic lighting. I press play just in time to hear Seacrest say "after the break." Dammit! Eventually we say goodbye to Joanne, sparing me from having to listen to hubby call her "Mandisa 3.0" for the duration of the season. Unfortunately, that also means we have to sit through another week of Kristy Lee Cook. Fast forward, fast forward, and there's Chekezie with Colton centerstage. Chekezie has to be going home, right? Wrong. It's Colton, which makes me a little sad because he seems like a nice guy, and also because I have to suffer through Tom Brady wannabe again. Ugh.
These results shows are going to be an hour all season? I can't handle this. I have a life. Sort of.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Hey Mama, welcome to the 60s!
Also, Bren mentioned it yesterday, but I have to say it again--a big WTF to themed top 24 nights. Top 24 was always the calm right before the overly cheesed storm of the top 12. Here, the contestants still had a shot at showing some of their true colors before being wedged like a Melinda Doolittle-shaped peg into a Gwen Stefani-shaped hole. With that being said, let's take the plunge into tonight's debacle.
Ohhhh Kristy Lee. How so very unfortunate that you get to go FIRST, on this night when apparently half the cast has come down with typhoid. I hate her on sight. I'm over her horse, I'm over her blonde blandness and I'm over Amazing Grace. She busts out with "Rescue Me", which we've all heard a zillion times on Idol and roughly all of those times were better than this. She really doesn't have a bad voice per se, but there is nothing special about this and she shows no emotion whatsoever. The good thing is, she was first, so maybe people will forget her.
And also, I'm going to say this once, now, and this goes for all the girls who want to use this excuse tonight. I don't give a rat's ass if you have the flu, bronchitis, walking pneumonia, whatever. You have NINETY SECONDS to make us love you--just suck it up and give it your all for those 90 seconds, then go pass out backstage with an oxygen tank later. That is all.
Joanna Borgella, as a fellow BBW (big beautiful woman), I am automatically required to heart you. I also need to say, I am so glad you fixed that crazy hair you had going on at auditions. That being said, I am not all that into this performance. "I Say A Little Prayer?" Seriously, who can listen to this song and not think of My Best Friend's Wedding? Remember that scene? It was flippin' sweet. I so wanted to be an extra during that. What was I talking about? Oh right, Joanna. Not good.
My first reaction to Alaina Whitaker is, who the hell is this? Her video package is kind of annoying but I guess it's because she's a teenager. She is totally Carrie Underwood's doppelganger--blonde, Oklahoman, vaguely country-ish voice. I love her little gap though. Her range is good, and for the first time tonight, I think the song sounds current ("More Today Than Yesterday"), which has been difficult to do with the craptastic 60's theme and--OMG!! Orlando Bloom is here?? Oh--shit, that's Luke. Jesus, does he look like Orlando. Anyway, nice job Alaina.
OK, you guys. I am struggling with Amanda Overmeyer so bad. On the one hand, I want to like her because she is not Kristy Lee Cook. I like it when Fox shakes things up and gives us the Amandas and Ginas. On the other hand...I don't think I can honestly say I have heard Amanda SING all that much. I really couldn't understand half of the words of this song, and she needs to stay out of her lower register--her voice seems richer and stronger when she's higher up. If I'm being honest--I wouldn't buy her album. But I like having her around.
Oh my God, Amy Davis. I can't even handle you right now. WTF is a trade show model?? And dude, you have one chance to show yourself to America, and you pick a damn Patsy Cline song?? I have written in my notes "flat, flat, FLAT" and that's about all I need to say. I hate this. Her parents did wear tee shirts with her face on them in Hollywood, so that kind of rules.
Brooke "Never seen an R-rated movie" White. That sugary sweetness is going to get old fast, but for now, I think I might be okay with her. She sings "Happy Together" and is a lot better than creepy von creepster David Cook from last night. I love her voice on the verses but she seems to lose it a bit in the chorus and her phrasing is kind of jacked. I won't vote for her on principle because I don't really have a horse in the girls' race here (I warned you above!) but I won't be sad if she sticks around.
Alexandrea Lushington, you made my damn night. Firstly, your name totally rules and wins for best name on AI. Secondly, your great g-ma also rules. Thirdly, you took on freaking "Spinning Wheel", which takes me back to when I was about 17 and we had to sing this for show choir and we were all, WHAT in the hay-ell does this song mean? This is so trippin'. Her outfit is RIDIC. She is all over the place vocally and she sounds better in her lower register but I don't even care. You rock my world, Alexandrea.
OK, I am convinced that Kady Malloy has Spears blood in her. Am I the only one who thinks she looks exactly like Jamie-Lynn? And the fact that you can ape Britney, no matter how accurate you sound (so accurate it gave me hives, I think), is not necessarily something to brag about. Do you even read US Weekly? SPEARS FAMILY=BAD. When she started out ("Groovy Kind of Love") I thought she actually sounded decent. Then she hit the middle of the song, and eesh. What happened? Did she forget the words? She looked so out of it.
Asia'h Epperson, I know at some point I am going to forget that you have an apostrophe in your name. Sorry in advance. I have to say, I absolutely hated her audition. I felt bad because of her dad, but I thought her audition sucked. Tonight she was workin' it, though. However, "Piece of My Heart" is sloooooowly becoming overused on Idol. She has a great voice, great presence, but something's off about her diction. She lost the ends of half of her words, there were times when everything seemed to run together, but overall, she did a nice job.
Here was another audition I hated--Ramiele Malubay. She shouted her way into Hollywood, but tonight she is a hell of a lot better than she was when we first saw her. She's rocking "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me" by Dusty Springfield, and the girl is on point. Her pace is good, her tone is good, and she's very controlled and less shouty than her "Natural Woman" was.
Wow, they lumped all the girls with loud-ass auditions one right after the other, didn't they? Damn, Syesha. Also, can we talk about her comment about everyone being sick to Ryan in the Coke room--"they separate us"? WTF? I got a visual of these people being caged and divided like lab rats. Which they so are, if you think about it. Good God. Anyway, Syesha Mercado is singing "Tobacco Road" for us tonight. She has killer stage presence, she's beautiful and she's got the pipes. Of course Randy trots out "pitchy" as an adjective. Simon proclaims her one of the most talented girls, and I agree.
OK, Carly Smithson. She admits to her previous record deal, which I'm not getting into (you can read the blog below for that). She's also been placed in the coveted "pimp spot", which should make the conspiracy theorists freak out. I don't know the name of this song, unfortunately--I THINK it's "Shadow of Your Smile"? Maybe? Anyone? Buehler?--but Carly's doing a great job with it. I agree with Simon somewhat--I wasn't necessary blown away, but that may be because I had never heard the song before and I have a hard time getting into it if I don't know the song. However, she gave a solid performance, and you can tell she's experienced.
So, overall, not as terrible as I'd expected. My top three for tonight are Ramiele, Syesha and either Carly or Alaina--Alaina surprised me tonight, so I'd like to see her again next week. Predictions for the ouster? DEFINITELY Amy Davis and while I'm hoping for Kristy Lee, it could be Kady or Joanna. Brenna will be posting our reactions to the results on Friday--happy watching!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Where the Boys Are?
Ryan tells us people have been saying this is the best talent ever. No, Ryan, you have been telling us this is the best talent ever. David Hernandez is up first, one of three Davids this year, which might be the greatest gathering of David talent the world has ever seen. Ever. The boys are stuck singing songs from the 60s, which I hate, and leaves Lindsay & me reminiscing about Elliott bouncing around the stage singing that Gavin DeGraw song a few years ago. David H. has a decent voice, but zero stage presence. Thus, I completely forget about him by the time the recap rolls around two hours later. David H. looked completely and thoroughly confused by the judges, and this is before Paula got to the bottom of whatever's in that Coke cup of hers. We also get the first finger-number-pointing-gestures of the season, to remind me what numeral is on the screen in front of me. Eh. Next.
Oh, Chikezie and your lack of last name. It takes balls to drop your last name and to wear a suit in that color. He has a rough start, the end is a little better, but this is one of those times where my husband & I go, "oh, that song!" about halfway through. We get the first Simon boos of the season, and then Chikezie proceeds to talk back to the judges, and at that point I kiss him goodbye. He won't be back next week. Next.
Another David is up, Cook this time, and I'm a little skeeved out by him. I disagree with the judges completely when they say he's rocking out, because I thought the entire time that he was trying too hard not to be the rocker. And really, of all the great rock songs of the 60s he could have chosen, he picks "Happy Together"? Really? He's a rocker? Next.
Jason Yeager is up next. Jason has a son, which is a nice change from the women who try to get sympathy votes through their kid. I kind of don't mind him, and then he starts singing. I get this Tom Brady vibe from him, if Tom Brady spent his offseason auditioning for American Idol. Maybe it's because they both make me physically ill. It ranks up there among the cheesiest performances I've ever witnessed on the Idol stage, easily surpassing anything Diana DeGarmo ever did. I can't wait for him to be over, and I'm not going to waste any more space on him. Next.
We're now onto Robbie Carrico. Another rocker dude? I've got to give him props for good song choice ("One," by Three Dog Night), and he's probably the best of the night thus far. He looks a bit awkward on stage though. Granted, that theater in the round setup isn't comfortable for anyone, but either he's nervous or just doesn't know what to do. The judges aren't convinced of the rocker look, and truthfully, neither am I. It seems like the "in" thing this year. Throw on a bandana and don't shave, and poof, you rock. Two thumbs up for his singing though. Next.
Oh, little David Archuleta. You're so tiny. I feel a little bit inappropriate watching him, but as long as I close my eyes it's brilliant. I know lots of people (Lindsay included) love him, but he just seems so young to me. He would've been a perfect American Idol circa 1999 when Nick Carter and 17 year old Justin Timberlake ruled our TRL, but I just don't see him succeeding in the industry today. I can't argue the boy's got talent though. Probably the best male voice in the competition, and he'll definitely be around for awhile. Next.
And it's time for Danny Noriega. First, I don't think I would have fit into those pants he was wearing when I was 13. I don't know where they put his microphone pack. Second, I can't decide if I love him or hate him. The sassy thing is going to get really annoying, but at the same time, he's amusing. I have to close my eyes while he's performing though, and I'm pretty sure Elvis was rolling in his grave. It wasn't awful, but I feel like Idol has regressed six years and we're back to the Justin Guarini era. However, bonus points to Danny for evoking the first completely non-sensical Paula of the season. Something about colors? I'm still trying to figure it out. Next.
Luke Menard is up, and to be honest, I wouldn't mind if he just stood there for 2 minutes and didn't open his mouth. In fact, maybe I'd prefer if he had just stood there. What the F was that song? I'm pretty sure I fell asleep. Props to him though, for getting the first "pitchy" comment of the season, and another non-sensical Paula moment (comparing him to Kenny Loggins? Really?). He is pretty though, so people, please vote for him.
Colton Berry, aka Ellen Degeneres is singing next, taking on "Suspicious Minds," aka one of Brenna's most favorite songs ever. He's also wearing extremely tight pants. He doesn't butcher the song, but he doesn't do it any justice, and it leaves me searching for video of the original to wash Colton from my mind. Elvis is awesome. Colton is not. Next.
It's time now for Garrett Haley, and man, that boy has more luscious curls than I do. I need to ask him what product they're using on him. He's not awful, but he's boring. Move, Garrett, move! The judges completely confuse him by talking over one another, and the poor guy is so polite at the end of it that it makes me like him. I'm undecided on him. I need to see more of him next week. Next.
Jason #2 (Casto) of the evening is up next, and he's got more hair. Damn. The stylist is going to have to spend less time on Seacrest this year. Anyways, Jason C. puts on a really good performance. He plays the guitar, he sings very well, and it's a good song choice. My only gripe is that he's smiling waaaaay too much. Tone it down, buddy. He may be my favorite of the night, though…
…. Until Aussie, aka Michael Johns, strolls on stage. Now this is what I've been waiting for. Awesome song choice (finally, someone picking a real rock song from the 60s in "Light My Fire"), awesome delivery. He had some problems at the end, but who cares. Finally a performance I may remember tomorrow, and not just for the very literal flames on the giant TV screen behind him. I wouldn't say he was the best of the evening; however, he's got that singing ability/charisma combo that is so far missing in most of this season's men.
So there you have it. The first performance show of the year, ¾ of which was completely forgettable. Pencil in David A., Jason C., and Michael as sure things for next week (and quite possibly the top 12). Tag Chikezie, Jason Y., Luke, and Garrett as potential bottom dwellers. My money is on Chikezie (don't talk back to Simon) and Jason Y. (please, I can not handle another week of that shit) to be sent packing on Thursday. But, as we are reminded so frequently, that is left to the viewers. Please don't put us through another Sanjaya. My blood pressure can't handle it.
I apologize for being slightly longwinded… once we’re done suffering through two hours of this nonsense, I’ll be a little more concise. Lindsay will be your Idol tour guide tomorrow. Hopefully the ladies will put on a better show!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
What about Carly?
Does this taint the show's premise of finding the best "undiscovered" talent in America?Is it not fair that Carly was allowed in while another girl who didn't have a previous contract was passed over? I have to say, I don't really get what all the fuss is about. Carly is certainly not the first person to be put in the top 24 with previous recording experience, and that includes first-ever winner Kelly Clarkson. Anyone who is a fan of this show knows it's not about finding the best singer. It's about putting on a good show. American Idol exists solely to create revenue. It's not about the American Dream, it's about damn good television It's not MEANT to be fair. It's meant to be entertaining.
Will we vote for Carly? It's too early to tell. Do we think she'll win? She could have a shot, but personally, it's looking like a guy's year. What do you all think? Were there girls who got passed over that you think should have been given Carly's spot? Or is this much ado about nothing? We want to know!
Thursday, February 14, 2008 AMERICAN Idol.
Allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re Brenna and Lindsay, two celebrity-obsessed ladies who hail from
After sitting idly by (“idoly”? ha!) for the past six seasons of the craziest pop culture phenomenon to sweep
You might be asking, what exactly qualifies us to blog about American Idol? Besides the fact that we can belt out a wicked karaoke rendition of “Don’t Stop Believin’” and can use the word “pitchy” in the correct capacity (hint--it has nothing to do with music), we’re just plain addicted to the contrived cheesy goodness Fox has been bringing us since 2002.
We’ve witnessed Clay-mania (first hand—we were there together at the Season 2 concert) and suffered through week after week of Sanjaya. We threw things at the TV when Carmen Rasmussen yodeled all over our screen, and went ape-shit when Blake Lewis beatboxed his way through “You Give Love a Bad Name.” We have an insane love/hate relationship with this show (no season seven group night? What in the HAY-ell??), but we know we’ll never be able to break up with it. We’re in it for the long haul, we’re suckers for drama and a good story, and we hope you’ll join us along the way as American Idol finally kicks off season seven with its top 24. Here's to three months full of spirit breaking. Cheers!