Thursday, February 14, 2008 AMERICAN Idol.

Allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re Brenna and Lindsay, two celebrity-obsessed ladies who hail from Pittsburgh (GO STILLERS) and at the moment don’t even reside in the same state. We’re married to awesome guys, we work regular steady jobs and are well-rounded individuals with hobbies. One of which just happens to be pop-culture. Ask us what we thought of Beyonce’s Grammy outfit, we’ll be GLAD to tell you. “The Office”? OMG JIM HALPERT WE LUV U!!!!Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson? Don’t get us started. But our guilty pleasure is American Idol. Hell, we don’t even try to hide it, so we won’t even call it "guilty."

After sitting idly by (“idoly”? ha!) for the past six seasons of the craziest pop culture phenomenon to sweep America since the Beatles, we’re speaking up. The chances that Brenna and I will ever actually audition in front of Simon, Paula and Randy and make it through to Hollywood are about as good as Amy Winehouse staying in rehab. So those who can’t do, blog.

You might be asking, what exactly qualifies us to blog about American Idol? Besides the fact that we can belt out a wicked karaoke rendition of “Don’t Stop Believin’” and can use the word “pitchy” in the correct capacity (hint--it has nothing to do with music), we’re just plain addicted to the contrived cheesy goodness Fox has been bringing us since 2002.

We’ve witnessed Clay-mania (first hand—we were there together at the Season 2 concert) and suffered through week after week of Sanjaya. We threw things at the TV when Carmen Rasmussen yodeled all over our screen, and went ape-shit when Blake Lewis beatboxed his way through “You Give Love a Bad Name.” We have an insane love/hate relationship with this show (no season seven group night? What in the HAY-ell??), but we know we’ll never be able to break up with it. We’re in it for the long haul, we’re suckers for drama and a good story, and we hope you’ll join us along the way as American Idol finally kicks off season seven with its top 24. Here's to three months full of spirit breaking. Cheers!


meddy427 said...

Oh snap. Check this out!

Bana said...

Can't wait to see the porn you saucy little minxes come up with!

Shana said...

eeew, Carmen Rasmussen!! I forgot about her, I guess now I remember why- dumb yodeler!!

JenKosek said...

Linds-I love it! I don't watch Idol regularly, but I'll have to catch up via the blog.