Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Videographic evidence

The screaming and/or singing along you occasionally hear is the voice of MSHBB.

The end of a sports movie? Or Michael Johns? You decide. (Side note: Please don't take this as an accurate sampling of Brenna's singing. I swear, I'm much better for that. You'll see that next season.)

Cookster doing "Hello." I wish like hell I'd recorded the entire song, because I'm mildly obsessed with it now, and I can't watch the video of when he did it on the show because he still had perverted hair.

Cookster doing "Billie Jean." See above re: perverted hair. Seriously, Cookster, why didn't you get a hair cut before the show started? We'd have a much more solid relationship if you had.


Lindsay said...

WOW, I am REALLY annoying. LOL.

Bana said...

GAWD, I wish my work computer had sound. Dammit.