Thursday, February 25, 2010


Recap: the last two nights sucked ass. Seriously, is it always this bad the first week with the top 24? I really hope that once they get their nerves under control and learn how to pick songs, the show will get better. Because I honestly have no idea who is going home tonight--with the exception of a few people, it could be just about anyone.

I'm pretty stoked for this results show though, because Kris and Allison are coming back! YAY! So it's not all bad. Oh man, VERY IMPORTANT Idol Gives F'ing Back news tonight...I can hardly stand it!

Blah blah, early show banter. Randy's sweater is a really annoying shade of red. I don't know how red can be annoying, but it's Randy, so maybe that's why.

Top 24 group sing with "American Boy"--who the hell styled Haeley!? I can't remember, do they not get stylists until the top 12? Anyway, the girls don't sound half bad as a group. I can't get over Alex Lambert's mullet, I'm sorry. This actually isn't the worst group number they've done on this show, so kudos for that, I guess.

First commercial break's over and Ryan's got the ladies on stage. Back row stands and consists of Siobhan, Haeley, Katie, Janell, Michelle, and Katelyn. Siobhan--safe. Haeley and her manic outfit--safe. Michelle--safe. Katelyn--safe. So far, I'm kind of shocked that Michelle is safe, if only because we didn't see her before Tuesday night. But I'm glad she's safe, I like her. Down to Katie and Janell. I really don't want to see either of them leave, unfortunately. WHAT??? JANELL gets cut!? OMG I seriously can't believe that. Janell gets cut and stupid grey haired Lilly is probably safe. BOO, America. BOO. Wow, her singout totally reinforces that she picked the wrong song, though.

I'm still mad after the commercials. But I can't be mad at Allison! YAY! She's singing her new single "Scars." OMG I still love her after all this time. LOL. Her hair is pinker than ever. I love this song. I wonder if she's still weird when she talks to Ryan. OK, she's better but still a goofy teenager. Call me, Al!

More results. Front row is Paige, effin Lilly, Crystal, Lacey, Ashley and Didi. Paige--safe. WOW, she was horrible, I'm shocked. I totally thought she'd be out. Lacey--she's safe too, what the hell?? Who voted for these girls? Lilly--safe, of course. GOD. I am so pissed that it's either Crystal, ARod or Didi, I can't even tell you. Crystal--safe, thank God. ARod and Didi are the last two, and I am incredulous right now. WHEW, Didi's safe. I'm so pissed about Ashley, but I'm glad Didi made it. I'm sad for ARod, but she did kind of suck last night, unfortunately. Oooh and her singout blows.

I need Glee in my life again, stat.

After the break, we get footage of Tyler in rehearsal in a bathrobe and ankle boots and it's pretty hilarious. I kind of love Tyler you guys. OK, back row of guys. Big Mike, John, Aaron, Todrick, Tim and Joe. Big Mike--totally safe. John--safe. Yay, I still love him even though he picked a crap song. Aaron--come on, he's safe, the grannies are lovin' him. Todrick--safe. Crap. I hate Todrick. That leaves Tim and Joe, both of which could go tonight and I wouldn't really give a shit.'s Joe. Aww, sorry Joe WHOnoz. You weren't that bad, but someone's gotta go.

Dammit, IGFB is back. I was hoping we'd be rid of that monstrosity. April 21st is the date...hey Bren, I think I'm busy that night, you might have to blog. :P Aww, Kris! He's so cute. You can download Kris's performance from tonight on iTunes and 100% of the proceeds will go to Haiti relief. Oooh, he's singing "Let It Be", this is going to be awesome. And it is. Please take note, remaining Idol contestants of 2010.

We've still gotta cut one more guy. The last group consists of Tyler, Alex, Andrew, Casey, Lee and Jermaine. Casey--safe. Seriously, stop talking about Kara. It's making everyone totally uncomfortable. Jermaine--safe. Meh. Lee--safe. Good, Lee was actually okay, even though we hate typing his last name. Andrew--safe, yay! Eff what the judges said, I loved him last night. That leaves Tyler and mullet Alex. I really hope it's Alex, because we need Tyler for the humor factor. And Alex is safe, seriously!?!? AWW MAN. BOOOOOO. We'll miss you Tyler!

So, totally wrong choice for both girls, in my opinion, and one wrong choice for the guys. We are not off to a good start this year, Idol and us. I really hope next week gets better. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend and we'll see you Tuesday! We'll be on a better schedule since the Olympics will be over. ;) Ciao!


BrassyLibrarian said...

I'm actually entirely glad that Tyler is gone. Couldn't stand him. And I will only cheer for Lee & Andrew. They are my faves. And as Jim put it tonight, "if Andrew gets kicked off, I'm done with AI."

I don't really care about the girls. I like Crystal sometimes. The rest are meh.

I do think they want someone "indie" this year though. They haven't had one of those wins yet, I don't think.

Brenna said...

America sucks for voting off Janell & ARod. I'm quitting.

Leanne said...

I texted Bren last night because my ears were bleeding during that awful "American Boy" group number. There's a reason I don't watch this show at this point. I blame you ladies because I love your blog so much, I have to tune in to see who you're talking about!

Shana said...

Yeah I'm also annoyed with AI at this point. Those two girls may not have been awesome (Tuesday night) but they should not have gone home.. yet!

I liked Tyler too, although he wasn't that great either at least he has a personality!!