Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Party in the USA

Miley Cyrus is our mentor this week. Why, you ask? I really have no clue. Basically, Lindsay & I wish Ke$ha would be the mentor, so she could give everyone shots of Jack. OMG, why does Miley sound like a 60-year-old chain smoking woman at age 17? And how much do you think Crystal hated being mentored by Miley Cyrus? And is that a SYTYCD judge sitting next to her in the audience? WTF is this show tonight?

Lee DeWeezyChikezie is up first, singing The Letter. Miley is already useless. Lee is looking stylin' tonight, ladies. He does a jazzy arrangement, which I like, but I notice that Lee has some Soul Patrol dancing tendencies, and that makes me cringe. I enjoy it, but him going first makes me nervous for him. Three of the four judges love it, including Ellen giving the world's most long-winded analogy comparing Lee to her favorite pen.

These Kris Allen Ford commercials are so adorable. Miss ya, Kris!

Paige has every Billboard #1 EVER at her disposal and chooses... Phil Collins. She is wearing some FIERCE shoes though that I must have in my life. Against All Odds has been sung approximately 48,000 times on this show, and I'm pretty sure they've all been better than this. Hey guys, remember how Katelyn got voted off? The judges rip her apart, but on the plus side at least she looks fabulous. (Seriously, those shoes. Size 7.5. Send them here now.)

Tim (take off your shirt!) Urban is next singing Crazy Little Thing Called Love. I was totally jamming to this song in the car the other day. Miley thinks he rocks. I think he sounds pretty good actually, on a Tim scale of course. He even does an awkward little slide across the stage. Awww. The girls love him. They would love him more shirtless. Ellen compares it to an audition to High School Musical which is so... accurate, actually. What the judges don't get is that the same people who watch HSM are the same people who vote. He is clearly here next week if you're comparing him to Zac Efron, people.

The teaser before the commercial break tells us up next is Janis Joplin & Aerosmith courtesy of Crystal & Aaron. Wouldn't you just die if Aaron was singing Janis? I would, but I know this show way too well, and completely called his song choice 10 minutes before he told us it:
me: $20 says aaron does i don't wanna miss a thing
Booyaa. OMG, the tweens are going insane right now, with Aaron right after Tim. It's a very good song choice for him, and he sounds pretty good. Not my thing really, but hey, I'm not 12 years old. Seacrest actually calls him David Archuleta. As if the tweens weren't turned on enough already. Thanks, Seacrest. I hope AT&T is ready for the influx of calls tonight.

I'm amused by Miley trying to give Crystal advice. Props to the Idol stylists tonight, Crystal looks beautiful. She's singing Me and Bobby McGee and sounds fantastic as usual. Another perfect song choice.
Really, what more can we say about her?It's almost boring how good she is every week. The judges obviously love it, and they love her, and just give her a record deal already.

Mike is up next. I'm so over him, I'm sorry. He's singing When a Man Loves a Woman. Lame song choices again, people. Why couldn't he pick something more (to use a Simonism) contemporary? Like some good R&B - Usher or Beyonce or something? No, instead we get a Michael Bolton song. He sounds good, I guess, but I'm dreadfully bored by this. Kara even says it's boring, so you know it was rough.

Andrew is singing Heard It Through the Grapevine. I'm bored by this. I do actually think Miley gave him some good advice to get out from behind the guitar, and judging from the screaming, the ladies love it. I'm just amazed that with all the songs available to these contestants, they pick the same. effing. songs. every. single. year. Kara mentions Straight Up for the thousandth time, and all the other judges completely rip him a new one. Yikes. Good luck, Andrew.

Ok, side note. I've been flipping through EW's gallery of "Where are they now?" Idols, and one of my all-time favorites, Jon Peter Lewis was in there. You may remember JPL as the guy Simon called the pen salesman in season 3. Anyways, I clicked on his website and then on his Twitter and discovered this tweet:
"I'm still laughing about Miley the Mentor. So ridiculous. Is she supposed to be an example of what not to do?"

I... love... him.

You know what else I love? I love Glee. I love Madonna. Put the two of them together and it really might be the greatest hour in the history of television.

Anyways, back to Idol. Katie is up next singing Big Girls Don't Cry. I definitely drove through Katie's hometown of Middlebury, CT on the worst drive home ever on Sunday. I considered pulling over and erecting a giant sign saying "Please put America out of its misery and vote Katie off Idol." But I didn't. Props to Katie for actually choosing a song from this century, first of all. Props to her for also not being the absolute worst of the evening too, so thanks Paige. But seriously, Katie should not last past next week.

Casey is doing The Power of Love. Where is Marty McFly? Whoa, he sounds like Huey Lewis. Weird. I'm not a huge fan of this song, but he sounded good. The judges say pretty much the same thing, except for Simon who says it was unoriginal and blames it on himself being English. LOL. Oh Simon, I'm going to miss you.

Didi comes up next singing You're No Good. Again, with the old songs tonight. The girl looks fierce and sounds fantastic, but I really wish she'd done the jazzy thing with some Amy Winehouse instead. These songs are so borrrrrring. The judges apparently hated it. I didn't think it was bad, but to be honest right now I'm only half paying attention waiting for Siobhan and replaying the Glee commercial in my head.

Siobhan has the pimp spot. Miley loves her, as we all do. I've been slightly obsessed with Paint It Black since I downloaded it last week. Also, Siobhan a) admits to jamming to Miley and b) says wicked, which makes me love her slightly more. She's rocking out to Superstition tonight. You know, this is the first time I think she's been 100% comfortable on stage, and it's fantastic. I don't think this girl is capable of singing a note that's not perfectly in tune. It's not the theatrical masterpiece that last week was, but there's no denying she can sing circles around everyone except maybe Crystal this year.

So, my vote to go home is Paige or Katie, but I'm nervous for somebody like Lee or Andrew that I've almost forgotten about by now. Lindsay has the results show with Miley tomorrow! See ya next week.


Lindsay said...

Seriously, if Paige doesn't go home, we've got a problem.

Koz said...

this was the worst episode of idol ever