MSHBB disclaimer: we're all for giving back, we just think IGFB is a load of crap
Lindsay: i bet seacrest is dressed all somber
because this is SERIOUS
me: maybe he'll stay sober tonight
obama is like, really? don't i have real stuff to do?
Lindsay: you know president obama is only doing this b/c his daughters made him
they're like, daddy WE LOVE AARON
me: eh, i bet they're tim urban girls
8:01 PM Lindsay: i want michelle's dress
OMG he did not just quote randy jackson
me: omg, obama just said dawgs
Lindsay: tender moments from my dawg barack!
it was so nice when we didn't have this last year
8:02 PM me: soooo nice
i read that they didn't do it last year b/c of the recession
aren't we still in a recession?
Lindsay: that's what i was saying earlier
ask any nonprofit how their donations are going, lol
wow, simon busted out a blazer
that's usually only on finale night
8:03 PM me: aw, he's dressed up
Lindsay: exxon is a random sponsor
i love her
so are the B list acts performing at that place?
8:04 PM me: hmm, doesn't appear so
they got BEP and carrie
hey carrie, we're kicking your fiance's ass!
Lindsay: BWAAA
but ps he's hot
me: oh absolutely
Lindsay: so we'll get results at like 9:59
me: i feel like IGFB is like the state of the union
we could do this in 15 minutes
but there has to be clapping every 5 seconds
8:05 PM Lindsay: omg, that is an excellent analogy
let me clap for 5 minutes
to interrupt it
me: tim, lee, & crystal
one of these things is not like the other
Lindsay: oh i forgot about them dressing them all in white
to be all angelic and shit
me: lol
most men should not wear white
Lindsay: i didnt hear ryan say top 10 and was like, why is didi here
lol sorry didi
me: i saw lacey too
Lindsay: what is this song?
8:06 PM me: i don't know, but it sucks
Lindsay: also i can see siobhan's world
me: i think danny gokey wrote it
Lindsay: yank it down, sweetie
my mom just called, and goes, this blows
me: mrs. smith is absolutely correct
me: ooh jennifer garner, i love her
Lindsay: i appreciate that she's going to someplace in the US
8:08 PM me: she's a WV girl you know
Lindsay: hey, WV
yeah, her bio is in the WV section of our library
i shelved it many a time
me: hahaha
Lindsay: i love that she's normal
8:09 PM me: i love that she's normal too & i think ben is too & i want to be friends w/ them both
and their kids are precious & not in the suri cruise creepy kind of way either
Lindsay: omg this little girl is so sweet
she breaks my heart
i totally agree on the garner/affleck kids
8:10 PM me: this girl is adorable
damn you, IGFB, for tugging at my heart strings
Lindsay: are you gonna donate now?
make a personalized page
and email it out
me: sorry, i can barely pay my own bills
Lindsay: disclaimer: we do donate to charitable causes
we aren't heartless
me: fact
8:11 PM Lindsay: POSH
me: posh!!!
Lindsay: omg can you imagine her in kentucky??
me: omg posh went to kentucky?
why don't we have video of that?
Lindsay: get out of my brain, seriously
me: lol
Lindsay: she's not wearing heels
im stunned
me: haha look at her in the pictures, she's like "i'm wearing a hat! i'm like you!"
8:12 PM Lindsay: stars! they're just like us!
me: they pump gas!
Lindsay: i can't take this kid seriously
with this mohawk
sorry, buddy
8:13 PM me: that was all kinds of awkward
look at posh trying to look posh in the background
Lindsay: this is what happens when you go sans teleprompter
drink coke! watch idol!
8:14 PM i think adam's hiding upstairs watching hockey lol
me: this movie looks dumb
basketball players = wimps
Lindsay: isn't paula patton married to robin thicke?
or did i just make that up?
me: i have no idea, but i love robin thicke
Lindsay: aaaaand, wiki
8:15 PM yeah, she is
i think they just had a baby, i read it in People
when i set aside the seven minutes it takes to read a People ;)
8:17 PM me: what does capt. sully have to do with this?
Lindsay: adam literally just said, why is HE on here?
sully is a HERO, you guys
me: oh sorry, i forgot
8:18 PM Lindsay: i'm terrified of this bit i think
me: just accept that this is going to be awful
hey russell brand, remember how you're marrying katy perry & ke$ha wants to be a bridesmaid?
Lindsay: the twilights? LMAO
me: LMAO the thin pale boy
Lindsay: i think russell brand is wearing katy perry's shirt
8:19 PM me: this is so not funny
also sorry, jonah hill, but you look fatter than usual
Lindsay: he needs to be JHud's counterpart for weight watchers
girl looks AMAZING
me: of course mike feels good
Lindsay: mike's like, let us pray
lol whoops, that was awful
8:20 PM me: awwwwww hi sexvoice
call us!
Lindsay: seriously, siobhan
pull down your skirt
me: (for the non-initiated, sexvoice is now my nickname for lee)
Lindsay: sexxxxvoiceeeeeee
me: oh wtf is behind queen?
Lindsay: the BEP
of course
me: oh of course it's the BEP
8:21 PM Lindsay: so...many....things....happening
me: are they all fist pumping?
where's the situation?
Lindsay: he made out with snooki i read
me: is that a person? i think iv'e heard that somewhere
Lindsay: i dont know what that means
but perez reported it
me: i ask the same question i always ask when i see fergie
how did she land josh duhamel?
Lindsay: right??
8:22 PM me: at least they're not singing that awful imma be song
Lindsay: i feel like every live number the BEP do is exactly the same
me: it is, i'm pretty sure they did this for the finale
and the grammys
and the espys, who knows
Lindsay: were they at the NHL awards with chaka khan?
me: lol yes
until they got scared by ovechkin's teeth
Lindsay: sounds like shit
me: everyone in this group sounds like shit
8:23 PM Lindsay: for real, whoever decided that fergie was a singer?
is there shit messed up with the sound?
or what is going on?
me: this is sooooo terrible
Lindsay: why isn't it over yet
8:24 PM me: every time i think it's gonna end, it keeps... going....
yet if this was ke$ha, it would be awesome
Lindsay: it would be a totally different level if it were ke$ha
because she would legitimately be wasted
and not know where she was
me: oh, obvi
Lindsay: you know queen thought that sucked
me: i love the random B list celebs in the audience that i should know but don't
8:25 PM LOL this interaction between fergie & queen is HIALRIOUS
Lindsay: they are clapping because its OVER, Queen
not because they love them
oh here we go, footage of mosquito nets, right?
8:26 PM me: ding ding! you are correct
Lindsay: ok, how can malaria be classified as "severe"
isnt that implied???
seacrest, she has MALARIA
8:27 PM me: i know this is tragic, but does it have to be SOOOOOOO dramatic?
Lindsay: i feel like maybe this girl's family wouldnt' have actually wanted this on tape
but they didnt want to say no
me: yeah, this is disturbing
8:28 PM Lindsay: only a half hour down.....lord
me: also, how do you go from BEP to that
Lindsay: seriously, terrible segue
Lindsay: OMG
justin guarini is coming here
8:32 PM for the italian festa in clarksburg
adam just goes, who the hell is that guy??
me: omg hahahaha
Lindsay: that is so random
time for more awkward banter!
Lindsay: is tim's shirt see through?
me:man i hope so
8:33 PM Lindsay: is this as close as we're getting to him shirtless?
me: can we bid for tim to take off his shirt?
ugh, i think george lopez is so annoying
Lindsay: oh my god, me too
how did he get a talk show?
and i don't have one
ok now i like him a little more
Lindsay: ok, that was kind of awesome
8:35 PM ok, this segment just got dumb
me: this segment can end soon
unless he tells kara she sucks
8:36 PM ok he just told randy to formulate his own thoughts, so thank you george lopez
Lindsay: adam's like hooting over here
me: this is actually kinda brilliant
Lindsay: i may have changed my mind on this
didn't george lopez have liver cancer or something
8:37 PM oh my goooooddd!!!
me: wow
did you see her nekkid pic?
Lindsay: did you see that pic of her
LOL yes
me: LOL cut to casey
Lindsay: ew casey's hair tonight
this will be dumb if he cuts simon
because come on
simon's the best one
i didn't get that kardashian joke
me: me neither
8:38 PM Lindsay: i think simon hates george lopez
and probably wants to have him murdered
8:39 PM me: parts of that were awesome
Lindsay: hey everyone, drive a FORD!
and drink some COKE
8:40 PM and listen to ITUNES in your FORD
me: and drink a COKE
Lindsay: and....use EXXON gas?
me: that commercial was dumber than usual i think
Lindsay: i didnt even know that song, did you?
me: nope
Lindsay: hey, there's 7, this is usually the two groups thing
8:41 PM me: crystal looks very uneasy walking in those heels
Lindsay: but it doesnt look like he's doing that
i think crystal hates her dress
me: maybe the 2 groups thing is too mean for IGFB?
Lindsay: casey needs some infusium on that perm
me: he's got some major frizz
Lindsay: oooh, casey's B3
me: i'm ok with that
Lindsay: didn't Koz call that?
8:42 PM or he just asked if he'd ever been?
my mom's totes sad right now
me: i don't know, i never read the comments today
Lindsay: clearly, aaron needs to be B3 here
me: dude if aaron is safe over lee i'm throwing something
me: sexvoice
Lindsay: please be aaron, please be aaron
8:43 PM YES
siobhan or big mike in the B3 i bet
me: you're right, aaron does look soooo tiny
Lindsay: i dont know, maybe Tim
doesn't he?? he looked so anorexic last night
8:44 PM me: i heart joss stone
Lindsay: omg me too, i just said that out loud here
8:45 PM me: when i worked at AE one year we had her version of "fell in love with a boy" on our soundtrack & i swear, i thought it was a big black woman singing it for the longest time
Lindsay: HAHAHA
i can totally see that
i can't say anything bad about this
i love her
me: then i found out it was this little british girl & i was like, whoa
me too, this is bad ass
8:46 PM Lindsay: her dress is weird, that's all
me: ha, i kinda like it
Lindsay: is she really tall?
she looks like a behemoth
damn, get it, joss
8:47 PM me: i think she is
that was fantastic
oooooh david duchovny
Lindsay: BIEBER
Lindsay: here's that song i like
8:48 PM me: i freaking love this song
Lindsay: i hate that i first heard it in that stupid rpatz movie preview
me: was that our only beiber spotting?
wtf, idol?
Lindsay: so far, that better not have been it
8:49 PM me: that commercial just made me laugh
Lindsay: i think a demi lovato was in there too
me: haha is that like a selena gomez?
Lindsay: i flipped over to hockey on the commercial haha
yes, they are the same
8:50 PM
Lindsay: hey, morgan freeman!
me: hey, morgan freeman!
Lindsay: wow, live and in person
8:53 PM me: jinx
Lindsay: the coke is in the mail
me: sweet
he has the most authoritative voice
he speaks and i listen
Lindsay: i will probably donate after listening to this
damn you, freeman
me: lol
8:54 PM Lindsay: ok, but not after listening to jackson
go away, randy
me: i feel dumber now after listening to randy
8:55 PM ok, good, morgan is back
Lindsay: oh my god
what is wrong with people???
me: they're disgusting
Lindsay: that made me sick
8:56 PM me: there's a great quote in my new journal, it says "never overestimate the decency of the human race"
it's so true
Lindsay: omg morgan freeman hula hooping
me: LOL morgan freeman hula hooping = greates thing ever
8:57 PM Lindsay: ok, save the children is great, yay!
we need to mock more shit
where are the group numbers
me: seriously
whoa, let's mock the shirt randy is wearing tonight
8:58 PM Lindsay: there is too much going on
and he's got a crazy cool medallion too
me: talking bout crazy cool medallions
Lindsay: what up alicia
me: woooooo
Lindsay: whoa, alicia
8:59 PM what is this ensemble
me: is she wearing a jumpsuit?
a SATIN jumpsuit?
Lindsay: with cutout shoulders
me: ouch, she does not sound great either
Lindsay: yikes, what's happening
alicia, pull it together
put one hand in the air for the big city, girl!
9:00 PM me: she is not a big girl by any means & she looks like in that ensemble
this is so gonna be on the fug tomorrow
Lindsay: 100%
her ass looks huge
satin is not forgiving
me: oh god no
9:01 PM Lindsay: look at big mike in the background
me: darn i missed him, what was he doing?
Lindsay: swaying
ew, this sounds like ass
GOD, alicia
me: wtf is going on, i saw her do this song on SNL & it was fantastic
9:02 PM Lindsay: idol's really stepped up the background graphics in the last few years
remember in the beginning like three different people would have flames
and then two people would have like blue wavy lines
me: haha it was like the old screensaver with the flying toaster
Lindsay: lmao exactly
9:03 PM one of the lines in the morgantown version of this song is "the hills are growing houses!"
no lie
me: what does that even mean???
Lindsay: that people are building houses on hillsides?
9:04 PM oh my god, adam is making up a bridgeport version o this
and i am dying
me: i wish i could hear that
me: bwaaaaaaaa
what is that from?
Lindsay: thats still on of my favorite glee lines of all time
me: oh that's right
Lindsay: the acafellas ep of glee
me: i loved the acafellas
9:05 PM Lindsay: less than an hour of this left
me: sorry, it's nowhere close to "did you know dolphins are gay sharks?"
Lindsay: we made it past the halfway point!
me: woooooo!!!
Lindsay: lol
9:09 PM omg this bit again
me: go away jonah hill
Lindsay: russell brand is on coke i think
he has crazy eyes like orpik
lmao justin beiber's cousin
me: lol
Lindsay: LMAO remember when slash was a mentor
9:10 PM me: haha that was the best
was that the cookster's year?
Lindsay: OMG
ok, that was awesome
me: OMG TATIANA!??!!?!?!
Lindsay: why the hell is octomom here??????
aww jim, im sad you and jenny broke up
9:11 PM this bit can end now
me: jim carey, are you going to make a movie ever again?
Lindsay: kthxbai
me: that was terrible
Lindsay: i think Common dates a Williams sister
9:12 PM but i can't remember if it's Venus or Serena
me: hey carrie!!!!
is mike really sad that he's down 3-1?
Lindsay: tell him we don't care, but he's hot!
me: tell him to call me, i'll comfort him
Lindsay: bwaaa
me: carrie looks fantastic as per usual
Lindsay: i love her dress
me: me too
Lindsay: but not her wrist corsage
me: yeah that's a little too prom for me
9:13 PM Lindsay: SHOW US THE ROCK
me: i wish she was singing cowboy casanova instead of this boring song
Lindsay: is this song inspirational?
oh yeah, is it
me: cowboy casanova inspires me not to hook up with cowboy casanovas
so, bam.
Lindsay: hahahaha
me: carrie hold the mike with your LEFT HAND
i want to see your ing
* ring
Lindsay: seriously, what is she doin to us
9:14 PM we dont care about that gold thing on your right hand
at least she doesnt sound like ass
like everyone else tonight, god
good job, mike fisher
9:15 PM Lindsay: woooooo
i wonder whose is bigger, hers or hilary duffs?
9:16 PM david arquette??
what does he do? besides be courtney cox's husband?
me: most random pairing ever
Lindsay: i think feeding america is hawt curtis's chartiy
me: apparently he is feeding america
Lindsay: charity
9:17 PM on celeb apprentice
me: omg, casey looks like david arquette
i always knew he looked like someone but couldn't place it
Lindsay: OMG he totally does
9:18 PM this is the least crazy i think ive ever seen david arquette
me: haha maybe he's calming in his old age
Lindsay: ELLIOTT
i miss elliott so bad
Lindsay: i was really sad when his mom died
9:19 PM me: omg me too, remember how cute she was in his parade??
Lindsay: she was so awesome
me: what is the mary j all star band?
Lindsay: JESUS
lol i have no idea
9:20 PM remember when elliott had to sing with mary j
and she took over the whole song
he got the shaft so bad
9:21 PM me: haaa yes
that was the same night kat mcphee sang with meatloaf
9:22 PM Lindsay: two most awkward finale performances of all time
dear everyone
me: shit, it's somehow 4-2 caps now
Lindsay: please do not go see the back up plan
thanks, brenna and lindsay
9:25 PM here's my problem with this entire program
where exactly does this money go
me: omg, make it stop
9:26 PM Lindsay: like when i donate to the leukemia and lymphoma society
i know where that money's going
me: right, "global health care" is so vague
Lindsay: like, if i donate $10
does it go to a mosquito net
or to the food bank?
9:27 PM i'd rather donate $10 directly to the food bank
9:28 PM me: i have no idea
9:29 PM Lindsay: lol wanda sykes? random
me: everything about IGFB is random
Lindsay: i think they just call up a bunch of people and whoever sticks, they put on
me: lol lots of boob jokes at simon's expense tonight
9:30 PM Lindsay: seriously, i dont need crappy stand up about the show
me: i am so bored right now
Lindsay: if they cut wanda sykes, it wouldnt run over
me: fact
9:31 PM Lindsay: randy's like the only one laughing
me: tim is laughing b/c he's like "i'm sitting next to mike, he may eat me if i don't laugh"
Lindsay: whew, thank god that's over
9:32 PM casey looks like a bee gee
with that hair and in that white suit
me: omg he absolutely does
me: please be mike in the B3
Lindsay: im worried for Siobhan
me: ok this is random, but i love the versatility of siobhan's hair
it's so short but it never looks the same
9:33 PM Lindsay: i know what you mean, i love that too
oooh i'm surprised she's safe!!
i'm ok with either of these people going home
awww moment of silence for matty g
9:34 PM Lindsay: i didn't see casey coming, but i think i called aaron and tim
i hope it's aaron
me: omg mike, GET OFF THE STAGE
Lindsay: HELL YES
Lindsay: what is his hair doing? its doing that thing again.
where it's all fuzzy looking
me: it's much better than the last time he was on when he had a combover
Lindsay: lol true story there
9:35 PM me: cookster, call me
Lindsay: is he just gonna talk about africa and not sing? cause that's bunk
me: did he borrow that scarf from michael johns?
Lindsay: i bet he did, weren't they BFF
me: i always wonder what these people in africa think
9:36 PM
are they like, who is this guy and why is he filming us?
Lindsay: yeah, i wonder that too
those kids look over cookster
come on guys! he's awesome!
9:37 PM me: omg cookster is so cute with the kids
Lindsay: don't teach them the sway! noooo!
me: hahahaha
9:38 PM Lindsay: i love how he talks about these kids like he knows them all personally
he's so great
me: i just feel like we got to know him, you know?
i never really felt that with adam, that was one of my issues with him
Lindsay: yea, that wasn't depressing or annoying
9:39 PM oh you mean in general over the season
i thought you meant just right now
me: haha, no, over the season
Lindsay: i wonder if adam was really careful about his interviews b/c of the gay thing
and how he didn twant to come out till after idol
so he just didnt really open up
me: is this another shrek movie? whyyyy?
Lindsay: that is not necessary
9:41 PM i am so tired
9:42 PM hurry up, show
me: omg me too, this needs to end soon
i'm disturbed by this video
9:43 PM Lindsay: me too, my god
this poor child
9:45 PM yeah right, annie's totally in LA
but she's all, i'm not going to this thing, someone lie and say i'm overseas
me: haha
9:46 PM couldn't they have gotten a satellite hookup for her?
or are the satellites knocked out by the volcano too?
Lindsay: i have no clue, this volcano apparently is like the first sign of the apocalypse or something
me: ok i really feel like that's true
b/c we've had like 8000 major earthquakes this year
and the mayans said the world would end in 2012
9:47 PM Lindsay: AND there was a movie about it
me: lol exactly, so it must be true
john cusack said so
Lindsay: WWJCD
so wait, is this annie live?
9:48 PM me: i have no idea, i'm confused
is she on a screen?
Lindsay: but somewhere else?
but theres an orchestra
seacrest, we need you to explain
9:49 PM they cut michael johns on IGB two years ago
so hopefully aaron gets cut
me: oh i hope so
ok i love annie lennox & all but i'm falling asleep
Lindsay: i know, her segment was really long
9:50 PM its been nothing but annie for the past six minutes
i have an attention span of about 45 seconds, we need to move on
9:51 PM me: ugh seriously, shut up annie
where's the beiber?
commercial for russell crowe's robin hood movie
i think he already made this movie, it was called gladiator
9:52 PM Lindsay: bwaaaa
ok, it's 9:52
let's take bets on when this thing is actually over
i say 10:04
me: i say 10:09
Lindsay: for both our sakes, i hope i'm right
me: haha me too
Lindsay: is this mary j finally?
me: travis barker?!?!?!
Lindsay: i dindt catch half those people
i heard orianthi
me: i heard randy jackson
god help all the dawgs
Lindsay: mary j, whats up with the shades
9:57 PM me: and her shoulder pads
Lindsay: and her general look
me: travis can't rock out to this, let's speed it up
me: way to wear a classy cut off tee, travis barker
Lindsay: and then THAT happened
LOL yeah seriously
speaking of trailer park
randy doesnt even look like he's playing
orianthi can stay as long as she doesnt sing
me: he's just there so he can name drop next week
9:59 PM oh yeah, girl rocks at the guitar
Lindsay: this actually isn't the worst thing about tonight
me: i'm a little confused by all this
Lindsay: shit, i think we're gonna be closer to your cut off time
me: dude i love travis barker SO MUCH
10:00 PM Lindsay: i read that the plane that crashed that he was on had faulty wheels or some shit
he should sue
me: oh really?
i think big mike was dancing in the background again
my DVR just stopped
Lindsay: wow, mary j is really sweaty
she should have left her glasses on
10:01 PM ANOTHER report??
me: omg another report?
Lindsay: COME ON
we could've cut wanda sykes & the russell brand nonsense & ended this on time
Lindsay: whoever thought those were good bits should be fired immediately
10:02 PM this post is gonna be soooo long
me: well if this show wasn't so effing long...
10:04 PM 10:04, you lose
Lindsay: i lost, it's 10:04
me: hahaha
Lindsay: this is bananas
me: show of handsome?
10:05 PM Lindsay: handsome!
me: this is the longest idol show EVER
casey and aaron have been on the stools for over an hour and a half
10:06 PM me: omg those poor guys
i just realized we could potentially play the bruins next round
if we win, the flyers win, & the bruins pull off this upset
10:07 PM Lindsay: did the bruins win
me: no
just thinking way ahead, lol
Lindsay: damn, still OT
i just went and looked
me: it's almost to the end of the first OT
10:08 PM Lindsay: IT IS 10:08
me: dang, i thought 10:09 was a long shot
Lindsay: i did too, hahaha
10:09 PM oh my god
still no results??
me: omg another performance
Lindsay: you have got to be shitting me
i mean, cool that elton johns there, but shit
me: this is so unnecessary
10:10 PM Lindsay: bbbbbbenny and the jets
elton's like, why are you asking me this shit? the show is running 10 minutes over already.
i cannot believe elton john still has to sing
me: omg queen is freaking out
Lindsay: i love this song though
its one of my top songs of all time
10:12 PM i love when ewan mcgregor sings it in moulin rouge
Lindsay: elton john should have gone on around 9:15
its kind of a rip that he's going after the show is techically OVER
me: i know right?
anyone who DVRs this shit isn't seeing this
10:13 PM Lindsay: list of shit that could have been cut: wanda sykes, jonah hill and russell brand, the BEP
me: though i'm not sure why you'd put yourself through this pain unless you wrote a blog about it
amen, sister
Lindsay: also maybe alicia keys cause she sounded bad and her outfit was horrible
me: and half of george lopez's routine
10:14 PM Lindsay: oh yeah i forgot about that already
10:15 PM did you cut and paste any of this into the blog yet
me: not yet, i was gonna do it all at once
Lindsay: ok, this has to be it, right?
please don't go to commercial
just make the cut, seacrest
10:17 PM me: commercial
seacrest, i will hunt you down for this
Lindsay: DAMMIT
10:18 PM i really dont understand how a show can run 20+ minutes over
i know its live tv, but that is piss poor production, or something
10:20 PM me: i'm pretty sure my cat's reading my diary
10:21 PM Lindsay: god bless brittany
let's do this
Lindsay: if they end up not cutting anyone
i will be murderous
me: oh nooooo shania next week?
omg me too
Lindsay: man! i feel like a woman!
me: eff, aaron is safe
Lindsay: AARON IS SAFE??
my mom will be sadcakes mcgee if casey goes
me: our moms will flip
Lindsay: hahaha
10:22 PM annnnd......
awww, timmy
me: boooooooooo
tim, take off your shirt before you go!
Lindsay: he grew on me
me: i know, i liked him near the end
Lindsay: NOW
i feel like we just ran a marathon
lol big mike, that was kinda funny
10:23 PM me: i honestly think this is the first exit video i've watched all season
Lindsay: me too, haha
he was never gonna win, but i still liked him
10:24 PM me: and, that's a wrap
Lindsay: until next year, IGFB, kiss our collective booties
Lindsay: until next year, IGFB, kiss our collective booties
1 comment:
I. LOVE. YOU. GUYS!!! Love, love love.
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