The end is near! Two weeks from tomorrow, Idol 2010 will be crowned. If at any point in time before that night Lee or Crystal is sent packing, we're closing up this blog early and quitting this show altogether. This... is American Idol.
Your top 4 are singing songs from the movies with Jamie Foxx, who as I recall was not that great of a mentor the first time around, but whatev.We get one individual performance from each and two duets, so yay for double DeWeezy tonight! Let's get this party started. Jamie is here with some shirts that say "contestant" and "artist" and apparently he's giving these to the four performers tonight? He rambles along with Seacrest for awhile, and we'll all remember this at 9:05 when they're still singing and delaying Glee.
Lee is up first!!! My boy is singing Kiss From A Rose. Jamie actually references the Gokey during his mentoring session, which makes me want to throw something at my TV. It's really not the best song choice, and his performance is not the best he's ever done. In fact, it's not all that great, but... OMG, is that a smile? And did he just look into the camera? Is Lee actually looking comfortable on stage right now? The judges didn't like it. Lee looks sad. Is he a little teary? OMG I want to give him a hug. Call us Lee! We're still voting for you.
Mike is next, singing...... the flipping Free Willy song. Of all the songs available, he chooses the song from FREE FREAKING WILLY. I can not take this seriously. He's becoming the reincarnation of Danny Gokey inside a large black man. Oh no, now the backup singers are marching down the stairs and I feel like I'm trapped inside an SNL parody of a Glee performance. That. sucked. really. really. bad. And then Simon actually literally asks what Free Willy is about, which then leads to one of the funniest exchanges I've ever seen on this show and kinda makes me forget just how much I hate Mike now.
Our first duet of the evening belongs to Lee & Crystal. Please please please, guys, rock my world.
And world sufficiently rocked. They sing Falling Slowly, which is a song I absolutely freaking ADORE, and it is AMAZING, and they are both PHENOMENAL, and I am literally speechless right now. I have legit goosebumps. Ok, let me try to formulate actual sentences... basically, the song is a gorgeous song to begin with, and both of them sounded perfect, and their voices matched each other perfectly, and I might have been imagining being Crystal and what it would be like for Lee to serenade me just a little bit. Seriously, wow. The show can just end right now.
Instead we have Casey singing Mrs. Robinson. Ugh, this is such a let down after Crystal & Lee. It's like going from the juiciest tastiest steak you've ever had to a McDonald's hamburger. And he has a ukelele. And we're back to Kara being a cougar and lots of inappropriate conversation. I'm so over him. I'd rather Mike go home, but I'd definitely be ok with Casey and his bad perm instead.
Crystal is singing the song from Caddy Shack. I love her for that. What more can I say about Crystal? She sounded amazing as usual, and I actually really loved that song for her. And she looked and sounded like she was having fun. Again, it's not the best Crystal performance I've ever seen, but apparently Crystal's boyfriend enjoys wearing American flag printed MC Hammer pants, so bonus points for that.
In the pimp spot is Mike & Casey singing Have You Ever Loved a Woman. Of course. Because Mike can't pass up a song about love and women and all that BS. Casey sounds like a goat. Mike tries to make love to his guitar and fails miserably. They "hit" an absolutely atrocious note in there somewhere along the way and I really just wish it was Lee & Crystal were in the pimp spot instead of this disaster. The judges all fall all over it though, except for Ellen, who offers no critique except for, "why yes, I actually have loved a woman."
So to wrap it up, Lee was a little subpar on his own but made absolute magic with Crystal. My annoyance with Mike reached new levels. Casey wouldn't be here if Kara didn't want to jump his bones. Crystal rocked as usual. Let's just vote off Mike & Casey right now and have the finale we're all waiting for next week. And also, Lee needs to come to Amherst and serenade me, stat.
Tomorrow night = BON JOVI and DAUGHTRY. Lindsay will be trying to remain coherent and blog that for you. Good night!
So over Mike. I'm already ecstatic for the results show tomorrow!!!! SQUEEEEEE.
I may have just watched Falling Slowly three times in a row on Youtube.
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