I'm recapping Tuesday night in two parts, because I'm tired as hayell. So this here blog posting will consist of the first hour of tonight's show, and I'll get to the second hour sometime tomorrow morning. Basically, the three weeks that make up the Top 24 are HELL for Brenna and me. Come on, we're talking FIVE HOURS of Idol in THREE days. Exhausting.
Let's see how many of the top 12 guys I can recall off the top of my head, without peeking at the last two blog postings. Casey Abrams. Paul McDonald. Tim Halperin (aka Jim Halpert). Robbie Rosen? And Jovany Something and Stefano Whosit. And the Carrot Top/Shaun White guy--Brett something. I got 7 out of 12. GO ME.
Anyway, let's get busy. Oh wait...this show is only 90 minutes tonight?? HOORAY. So scratch that first paragraph. I can't believe this is the 10th season of this show. Remember how low budget it was in the beginning? Wait, this set looks weird. Whoa, the whole format is changed....WTF? OK, so guys tonight, girls tomorrow, and then the top 10 is announced immediately on Thursday? THANK GOD. I am so relieved, you guys. It's kind of crazy though that these 12 guys basically only get one shot to make it to the top group.
Oh, Hipster Glasses, I forgot him. And Jordan Dorsey. And James Durbin. And Scotty McCreery. And Jacob Lusk, Gawd.
Hipster Glasses aka Clint Jun Gamboa is first. And..."Superstitious." Sigh. Clint, this joint has been DONE. Idol really needs to spring for the rights to some new songs. Just siphon off a little of the IGFB money, guys...no one will know. I don't care for Clint. He's too over the top, and not in a fun Glambert way, plus he's annoying. And this song has been done better before on this show. NEXT.
After the break, Jovany Barreto is next. Oh, he was one of those...took his shirt off in his audition. Rolling eyes. He's singing "I'll Be"--confession: I was OBSESSED with this song when it was popular. Whatever happened to Edwin McCain anyway? Jovany kind of sucks. And something about his suit looks weird. It's really ill-fitting I think. This was totally underwhelming, sorry Jovany. I never thought I'd agree with anything Randy said, but gawd, JLo and Steven Tyler suck as judges tonight.
Now we've got Jordan Dorsey. I don't think I have an opinion one way or another on him yet, so this will be interesting. I'm really digging these abbreviated intro packages this year. Cut to the chase, Idol. He's totally singing Usher's "OMG"--nice. I appreciate that he's trying to keep it current and not sing something tired, CLINT. It's not the greatest vocal, he's focusing a little too much on the dancing for me, but at least it's something fresh.
After the commercials, it's Tim Halperin. I enjoyed Tim a lot during Hollywood Week and think he and Casey might be my current favorite boys. Tim needs a haircut bad. Oooh, this is my favorite Rob Thomas song! "Streetcorner Symphony." Tim starts out a little rough, though, ouch. Come on Timmy! Fix it. I won't lie, I'm totally jamming over here. This isn't a great performance though. Damn, I'm worried for Tim. ALkjdflkjad;lfasfas.
Up next is Brett Loewenstern. That hair, you guys. I can't get on board. OMG, and I've never heard him speak before. He sounds like a girl. "Light My Fire", by the Doors. Points for picking a different song. I don't think I'm into Brett. This was probably a good song choice for him though. I don't really know that I've seen him perform before this, since I started watching late this year, and I don't love him based on this performance, but I bet he'll get voted through, so I'm interested to see what else he does. Wow, and he's shorter than Seacrest. I didn't think that was possible.
I don't care about the premiere of JLo's new music video, or choosing the ending of it. After the break, it's James Durbin. James is another one that I don't really remember having seen before, so he's brand new for me. Is he the "rocker" of this year? Oh guess so. "Another Thing Coming." Is this the first time a Judas Priest song has been done on this show???? I'm gonna vote yes. I'm not into James' shtick. His face looks like Buzz from Home Alone. Steven Tyler's dropping F bombs all over the place. Maybe I'm jaded, but I wasn't into this at all, and the judges are just giving him a tongue bath. Meh.
Commercials are over, and it's tiny Robbie Rosen. I say tiny, because he's 17, but I have no idea how big or small he is in real life. I bet Robbie does something tired. Oh weird, Sarah McLaughlin's "Angel." Interesting choice, small Robbie. He's not terrible, and I love the song's original version. Just a little sleepy and boring. OK, I lied, he is terrible. I pretty much hate all these guys. I was counting on Tim, and he failed, and now all my hopes are just hanging on Casey.
My husband just said, "People on this show think they're so good and they're not. I can say this because I'm a perfect singer." Awesome.
Seriously, another commercial?? Ugh, and coming back to Scotty McCreery and Stefano. Can I just bleep bloop through both of them? No? Scotty seems like a sweet kid, but I just don't get why he's here. I don't know this song, I'm not the biggest country fan out there, so my apologies for that. Thanks Google! It's "Letters From Home" by John Michael Montgomery. I mean, that was a total karaoke performance. I just have a hard time believing Scotty as a legit performer. He looks overly styled too.
Stefano Langone is up next. I find him oddly attractive. He's doing Bruno Mars' "Just The Way You Are", which is so effing played out, but I still love it. Stefano's pretty good, he gets a little flat throughout the chorus I think, but he started out strong. Oooh, a little ouchy on the falsettos, but pretty solid otherwise. Thanks for not totally sucking, Stefano! I want to pronounce his name STE-fano but it's Ste-FAH-no. I gotta remember that.
After the break, we've got Paul McDonald. I was sort of into him after I blogged the episode last week, so we'll see if he still is growing on me. OMG, are you kidding me?? He's doing "Maggie May"?? That is so LOLtastic. Paul kind of looks like he's on something, maybe. I can't tell if his act is totally contrived, or if he's just bizarre, or just a little bit off his rocker. Jury's still out on Paul, but I didn't despise this, so that's something. His teeth are blindingly white, it's like that ep of Friends when Ross got his teeth bleached and they glowed in that chick's black light.
Crazy Jacob Lusk is next, which means Casey's in the pimp spot. Jacob is probably one of the most OTT contestants this show has ever seen, and we've had Glambert. "A House is Not a Home" by Luther Vandross. RIP Luther. Here's the thing with Jacob. I think he has an amazing voice. Technically, it's lovely, and I don't think he hits a bad note in the whole song. But he's just so...I can't even find the word to describe him. I just wish he'd tone it down a few notches.
As previously stated, Casey Abrams is in the pimp spot. I'm counting on him to save this show for me tonight, because it's been an exercise in mediocrity for the most part. My cable cuts out for a second during his interview package, and I'm about to go apeshit. Casey's doing "I Put a Spell on You" and I wish I knew this song. I've said a million times on this blog that it's hard for me to get into songs I don't know. Casey kills it though. Brings down the freaking house. He's going into the "Needs a Makeover" column right above Jim Halpert, but vocally? Love.
So it's crazy that we're cutting this group down from 12 to 5 on Thursday, with a wild card or two in between. I honestly have no idea who will make it through, but based on screen time prior to this? Probably Casey, Brett, Robbie, Stefano maybe, and maybe Scotty just because he's been shoved down everyone's throats. Brenna will recap the ladies for you tomorrow night!
I'm literally LMAO @ the line- James Durbin's face looks like Buzz from Home Alone!! I think it's so funny b/c it's true!
And the guy with the teeth, Paul? I don't know his name for sure and I don't feel like referencing back for it but, that is seriously ALL I could look at! I don't care for him as a singer--- at all! But his teeth are really perfect & white :-D
I love the new format. It saves so much time in my life.
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