So once again, we've got the McCartney/Lennon songbook here on Idol. Clearly, Fox is still trying to milk that purchase for all it was worth. Allow me to link you our previous posts from season seven, if you're interested in our thoughts on the TWO previous Beatles' nights. Here and here, so knock yourselves out.
Ber ner ner ner ner ner BER NEEEER! That's my take on the opening music. Siobhan has crazy hair again. Bren and I couldn't even do song predictions this week, because this catalog is just too vast. We did hope for Lee Deweeeezy singing Hey Jude, so we'll see if he listens to our wishes. :P
We're at our top 9, finally. And hey, guess what? Next week this show goes to an only hour long because GLEEEE is finally back! WOOP! What the hell is Aaron wearing? Montage of Lennon and Sir Paul. Contestants talking about what the Beatles mean to them. Video well wishes from Sir Paul, because he's too BIZZY for this show, come on, guys.
Seriously, we're going to commercial before we even get ONE performance?? Epic fail, show. Aaron Kelly is up first. Filler for tonight is everyone describing everyone else. Dumb. I'd be like, Aaron is tiny and has Ellen's haircut that one time. He's singing "The Long and Winding Road" for us tonight. I think he borrowed one of Katie's bracelets, too. Once again, another sleepy ballad from Aaron. I don't hate this, but I don't love it. Aaron is good enough, but...meh. Not blown away. Also they bitch at Katie because she's an old lady, but they never tell Aaron...oh wait, Simon just told him to be younger, LOL.
I hate this backstage POV. After the break, we've got Katie Stevens. Good, get the boring teenagers out of the way first, thanks. I refuse to recap the filler because it's stupid. Katie is dressed like she's going to see the Legwarmers. She's singing "Let It Be" which makes my husband mad because he's obsessed with Brooke White's version. This really isn't anything new, and Brooke did such a cool thing with it two seasons ago, so you really can't come back and do it the regular way. Sorry, Katie. Apparently I must be deaf as hell, because the judges are giving her props like crazy. And Simon thinks she's going country with it?? Seriously, I need my hearing checked.
Andrew Garcia comes up after what is now our third commercial break in thirty minutes. OK, he and Lee are BFF apparently, which I love, because I love Lee. Haha. He's singing "Can't Buy Me Love" tonight, with a "cool twist." He sounds pretty good, I don't know if I'm in love with this arrangement, but it's very Andrew. It didn't blow me away, and it seems kind of cheesy at times, but it's not the worst thing he's ever done. Wow, ringing endorsement from MSHBB, huh? LOL. Oooh, Simon throws out his wedding singer analogy. That's right up there with cruise ship and cabaret.
Next we have Big Mike Lynche. Wow, Casey's rocking some sort of perm in his Big Mike interview. He's doing "Eleanor Rigby" tonight, first done on this show by one David Cook back in the day. Why does everyone mess with this song? This sounds like a loungey, nightclub version, and I don't really like it. I won't deny that Mike has an awesome voice, and I did love what he did last week, but I am not on board with this arrangement. Um, Randy just told him he has the license to do whatever he wants with songs he doesn't, Randy. He's not a megastar, he's a contestant on a reality show. God, finally, Simon is the voice of reason. This wasn't that great, KTHXBAI.
After the break, we've got Crystal Bowersox. I think she could have killed "Let It Be" but that wasn't meant to be, I guess. Crystal's still wearing that stupid feather in honor of stupid Lilly. Blech. Tonight she will be performing "Come Together." Good for her, I bet this will be good. And someone's playing the didgeridoo?? LMAO. I love this show sometimes. This is awesome, as per usual. I'm really running out of things to say about Crystal, guys. Apparently Ellen is too, haha.
Good old Tim Urban's up next. I really want one of the girls in the filler to say they wish he would take off his shirt. I would totally say that if I were a contestant. Come on, it's funny! Siobhan loves his "smile"--translation: I wanna see you naked. He's singing "All My Loving" with electric guitar tonight. It's typical Tim. Not great, not horrible, nothing to write home about. Kind of boring, nothing very exciting. Tim's so vanilla, LOL. Simon looks pissed at the table, can't wait to hear what he has to say. Everyone's commenting on his Beatle-ish hair. Wow, he might actually be safe this week.
Casey James is wearing a lovely white dinner jacket tonight and looks like he's ready to take your order. I recommend the crab cakes. He doesn't seem like he has much of a personality, so I'm actually curious as to what they say about him in the interviews. He has a funny laugh, and curly hair. Thanks, Idols. Tonight he's singing "Jealous Guy," which I don't think I know. He sounds really good though. He totally is rocking a fresh perm though, for reals. Don't wash your hair for three days, Casey! This is really great. I think it's the first time I've actually enjoyed a Casey performance.
OK, so I thought Siobhan was wearing like a dominatrix milkmaid outfit because it looked like a weird leather vest over a puffy white top, but on closer examination I think it might be a denim vest over like, a wedding dress. Either way, her outfit is bananas, yet again. Love you girl! Oooh good song choice, she's doing "Across the Universe." I love her voice so much. This is a million times better than her train wreck from last week. I think her voice sounds so interesting, even though it was a slower song, I was still into it. She gets a mixed bag of reviews from the judges. And they also call out a heckler and bring him up on stage. His name is Earl. Isn't that a show?
In the pimp spot tonight is Lee Dewyze. Finally. He totally should have had it last week over Aaron. I hope he brings it tonight. I love his outfit, he looks hawt. YES. OMG. HEY JUDE. YES. Our prayers were answered!!! I love this, he's awesome. Go Lee! Call us! This was the most relaxed and confident I think I've seen Lee this whole time. Okay, what is with the bagpipes??? Most random night EVER for instruments on Idol. He so did not need the bagpipes. I may have liked his performance last week better, but this was still dope.
So overall, kind of a meh night. I honestly have no idea who is going home. Aaron kind of stunk, but I think he's got the tweens locked up...although Tim might have them too, so who knows? Brenna will take you through results night tomorrow with Rihanna, Jason Derulo and Archuleta...gag. And next week ADAM LAMBERT is our guest mentor! Hooray!
This was also my first week to enjoy Casey too! He was really good tonight!
Siobhan did seem a little stiff or reserved with her song but I love Across the Universe!! The song and the movie!!
I still like Crystal and Lee so nothing has changed there! ;) Can't wait for Adam... FABULOUS!!!
Casey nailed it tonight. Crystal and Lee are always good, but Lee less so tonight (though still awesome). I actually really enjoyed Tim Urban tonight.
I hope upon hope that the other young kid (not Tim Urban) goes home tonight. Him or Katie. But actually, I bet time's up for Andy. Even though I hate to say it.
Lee! Call me! Naaaa naaaaa na NANANANAAAAAAAAAA. Good night.
Also, dear Idol contestants:
Stop effing up my favorite Beatles song ever. If I didn't like Cookster's version, I will not like yours.
Katie was surprisingly good tonight. You missed it apparently.
I don't think Neck Tattoo is long for the world.
My wife couldn't stop laughing when the bagpipes came out. I thought she was going to hyperventilate.
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