Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Beatles 2.0

So I said last week in my blog on the results that it would remain to be seen whether a repeat theme would be a good decision or not. You heard it here first--it's not. I think so many of the contestants kicked butt last week, that expectations were ridiculously high and the majority of the kids didn't deliver. Let's hope this is the last we see of the repeat themes. With that, let's kick it off.

This week, the gang is talking about memorable moments, which is just as interesting as you'd expect, so I won't bother recapping. Amanda is first, and she's going to sing "Back in the USSR." You guys, as soon as I heard she was doing this, it immediately reminded me of that HILARIOUS SNL spoof of Sex & The City when Xtina hosted and Amy Poehler as Carrie Bradshaw made a lot of really bad Carrie-esque jokes about dumping "the Russian." If you haven't seen it yet, you have to watch. Xtina is brilliant.

Anyway, so Amanda sings, and while I'm not disliking her as much as I had been, she's still not my favorite. She's actually singing the song, not mumbling, and she's more animated than we've seen her in weeks, but I still don't love this. Randy busts out a "pitchy" right out of the gate, which is just as predictable as Simon telling Amanda she could become boring. I have a feeling I'll have forgotten about this entire exchange by about 9:00 pm.

Next up is my arch nemesis Kristy Lee Cook. KLC decided to raid Cher's closet for her performance tonight I see, or maybe David Hernandez's. Hi-yo! She's holding stupid photo albums and Ryan shows pictures of her stupid horse to everyone. ENOUGH WITH THE HORSE. Kristy's singing "You Got to Hide Your Love Away" and it sucks, as per usual. I hate Kristy Lee. If she's not out this week, she is officially this season's Sanjaya. Simon basically tells her she's bland and boring, and I really hope she's gone after tomorrow night.

David A. is up and is singing "The Long & Winding Road." Dear God, please let him remember the lyrics. We're treated to a miserable reminder of his abysmal performance last week. Man, that was bad. I think he totally redeems himself this week. Another ballad, though. Maybe he's afraid if he does an uptempo one it will be like that time Kevin Covais did "Part Time Lover." Shudder. I still love David even though you can barely hear him sing for all the Hannah Montana screaming going on. I actually think he sounds a little like Elliott Yamin on this. No one can touch Elliott Yamin in my book, but in about ten years, I think David could have that kind of voice. I wish Elliott had won season five so bad. You guys should totally download his cover of "A Song for You." Anyway, good job lil David.

Michael aka Rufus Humphrey from Gossip Girl is singing "A Day in the Life"--yeesh, trying to arrange this song to be crammed into less than two minutes? How is this going to go? Answer: not good. The arrangement is all over the place. I hate this. And also, something that can't bode well for Michael--I never remember him. He's totally forgettable. Also, I think he's had Botox. His forehead is not. Moving. At. All. I think Michael generally has a good voice, but this doesn't showcase him well at all. Then he tries for the pity vote by saying the song was dedicated to his friend who died. Oh no you diiiiii'int, Rufus.

You guys, Beatles night round two sucks so far. Blah.

Up next is Brooke, who stole my heart last week. Call me, Brooke! Me thinks she is going to have a hard time living up to "Let it Be" from last week. I have to say, I would totally buy her album, and when she puts one out as she inevitably will, I hope she covers that song. OK, she's singing "Here Comes the Sun", and while I love Brooke to death, this performance is so contrived and weird. A weird "Woo!" and some random dancing and like skipping. Yikes. I think she really needs to either have her guitar or be behind the piano to feel comfortable, which I totally get. This is so awkward and not great. I don't love this. Aww, Brooke. She's kind of annoying when the judges are talking to her, too. I'm not worried about her though. She'll still be around. Be better next week, Brooke!

David C. is going to be doing Whitesnake's (OMG!) version of "Day Tripper." I really really really like David a lot...if I don't look at him. I cannot help it, there is just something soooo skeevy about him. Also, he slipped into Constantine mode a couple of times there with the attempt at a smoldering eye. Yuck. His voice is really good though, and I can't deny he's very talented. He does something with some voice box thing that sounds like Peter Frampton in that Geico commercial...do you feeeeel like I feeeeeel? Anyway, there's only room for one Cook in this kitchen, and it's clearly NOT Kristy Lee. Go David!

Carly is probably going to make me cry, because she's doing "Blackbird" and that song reminds me of my dad and my childhood. Miss you, Dad! Like you're going to read this blog ever. Mom, print this out and make Dad read it. Anyway, Carly's wearing a blouse that Angela from season three of Project Runway apparently designed. It's so hard for me to be objective about this, because I love this song. I think she sounds great. I've always liked Carly, even if she's never been my favorite. I think she's consistently good and really has star quality. God, why is everyone talking so much? Carly, you're wrecking it because you're explaining too much. SHHHH.

Jason is so cute. I just love him. He just seems so bewildered all of the time. He tells us he's going to be singing "Michelle" and I am too distracted by the rogue dread trying to escape from his head to pay much attention to what he's saying. The song is only okay. He's another one, like Brooke, who I think is uncomfortable without an instrument. He hits some clunker notes, and I'm officially bored with this performance--and I LIKE Jason. Beatles two weeks in a row was a bad idea, officially. He nailed the French words though--I think.

Syesha tells us in her interview package that she chose to sing "Yesterday", because the song "touched" her and she "wants to touch everyone else as much as she's been touched." Dude, you're on the wrong show. If you want to touch people, try Rock of Love next time. Or the Real World. I don't like her with straight hair. I was nervous about her doing this song, but she's not bad. She's not amazing, but she's got a pretty voice and does a nice job with the song. I have a feeling she may be in the bottom three again, just because she's kind of meh. I don't see her as the winner, but Syesha is definitely not the worst voice in the competition. She's pleasant and lovely, albeit slightly boring.

Up next is Chikezie singing "I've Just Seen a Face" and he apparently randomly taught himself harmonica, which he's going to attempt to play tonight. Dude, no. Just no. I love you, but come on. The tempo feels a bit off at the beginning, but maybe that's how the song goes. I don't know this song, I have to admit. I think Chikezie has a really great voice and is awesome in general, but this performance is blah. NOT as good as last week, not by a mile. Damn, tonight sucks so bad.

In the pimp spot is sweet, boring Ramiele. She sings "I Should've Known Better" and it's okay. I was betting Simon would trot out one of his usual comments like "cruise ship" or "high school talent show" about it, but he doesn't. Ramiele is another one like Syesha--not the worst voice, but totally meh and forgettable. I feel like she lost a lot of her spirit when Danny got the boot.

So recap of the night--top spots for me go to the Davids and probably Carly. Kristy Lee totally deserves to be in the bottom and to go home, and I'm not sure who should join her. I have a feeling Syesha might be there because of the blah factor, but she was one of the better ones tonight. I think Grandpa Michael's in danger too. We'll see what America thinks. Bren will take you through the results tomorrow night and performances next week. Here's hoping she gets a decent theme to recap! Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Well...I love, love, LOVE David Cook. Lil wee tiny David was awesome but is getting on my nerves just little bit with his wimpy smile and I'm so glad that Brooke got NO compliments tonight because I totally cannot take anymore of her version of "the wai"...this isn't Thailand, so NO need here for the slow head bow toward the praying hands...GAWD.

Anonymous said...


THE WAI - The wai is the traditional Thai bow where the palms of the hands are brought together under your nose and your head is slightly bowed.

Brenna said...

I think we should aim to have at least one Rock of Love/Bret Michaels reference in every blog. Thank God you did last night. I wouldn't have had nearly so much nice stuff to say. :)