Wednesday, April 3, 2013

No Ballad, No Cry

How many contestants are left? Seven? Oh right, just two guys left, so Lazaro is probably gone tomorrow and then Burnell next week HAHA. Tonight the theme is apparently "Classic Rock, No Ballads" to which we said, THANK THE FREAKING LORD. American Idol.

After the judge, Ryan and contestant introduction, we jump into performances. We must have a lot to get to tonight. Oh, this is the week where all the contestants talk about each other. Goody. Burnell is up first singing "You Give Love a Bad Name." I'm sorry, but no one can top what Blake Lewis did with this song in his season. Bon Jovi thought he was insane and it turned out awesome. There was a freaking beatbox interlude! Burnell looks like he's wearing a "rock n roll" Halloween costume and belts the song looking and sounding super awkward. Keith basically just laughs at him when it's over. Me too, Keith.

 After the break we're treated to our first duet of the evening, Angie and Lazaro singing "Crazy Little Thing Called Love." It's about what you'd expect. Lazaro kind of mumble sings and Angie's decent but not as good as she could be. The song is kind of a hard one to sing, I think. Not really a lot of opportunity for big notes where these two usually can shine. I think our friend Lazaro might be done this week, if his solo is anything like this was.

Oh and we're doing the "backstage interviews with the contestants after the performances" too, where's that been? Okay, so Kree is the second solo of the evening, and we're a half hour into the show. We could be down to 90 minute eps by now. Kree apparently is BFF with everyone that works on the show. I love that. She's doing "Piece of My Heart" which I think is perfect for her. PERFECT. Can you tell I love Kree? She's like Candice in that it looks and sounds effortless. She kills it. Kree is the shit.

Burnell and Candice are going to sing "The Letter." I might actually like this. I used to enjoy Burnell but he got wonky, and I think maybe Candice might be able to help him out a little. Update on Burnell's clothes: they are better than his first performance but not by much. Candice is so amazing. She doesn't really overshadow Burnell here even though she totally could. It's a nice number by the two of them, a very jazzy, fun arrangement of the song.

Janelle is hilarious because she gives a shout out to some local dive bar called Lincoln's Grille in her hometown where people have apparently gathered to watch her. I love that shit. Her clip package with everyone talking about her is SO FUNNY. I am seriously LOL listening to this. She's singing "You May Be Right" which actually will sound really good as a country song I think. She's good, it's not my favorite performance she's ever done but she's so fun. Her stage presence is really killer.

Lazaro is next and all the contestants are talking about how he dresses in bright colors. Okay then. He's singing "We are the Champions" which Brenna and I will forever hold in our hearts as the most awesome performance by one Michael Johns. Can you tell we've watched a million seasons of this show?? Lazaro is dressed in subdued colors tonight and...oh wait, his maroon shirt is totally sequined, so strike that, haha. He sounds okay, not great, but not awful. He definitely does better when he has big notes to hit. He does better on the chorus than the verses.

The last group number tonight is Kree, Amber and Janelle. They are singing "Still Rock and Roll to Me." It's pretty good, a little shouty in parts which makes me wonder if they're trying to outsing each other haha. I don't really have a lot to say about this, it wasn't anything hugely special even though Randy is trying to make it out to be. It's like he's trying to fill time, which, WHY? KEEP IT MOVING.

Candice is up after the break, and the clip package is about how her and Burnell bicker all the time. She is performing "Satisfaction (I Can't Get No)", which, AWESOME pick, Candice! I love that she picked something somewhat surprising. She does an awesome job with it and looks freaking gorgeous to boot. This is such a short paragraph because we've said all there is to say about her. Just make her and Kree the final two and be done with it. She apparently broke her toe trying to prank Lazaro or something?

PS I forgot to mention that Orianthi is accompanying on the guitar tonight. ACCORDING TO YOU! So we've got Angie and Amber left, who is getting the pimp spot? Amber is next, so Angie's last tonight. Burnell apparently has a crush on Amber. Oh boy. AWKWARD. Amber is singing Heart's "What About Love?" Hmm. This could get interesting. No one really should attempt Heart after Carrie but Amber maybe can do it. I think this might be the first time I've really liked Amber on this season. She sounds awesome, and made a great song choice here. And is also working leather shorts. Damn, girl.

So little Angie's in the pimp spot tonight. I hope this means she's good. She needs something good after that duet. Burnell has been really funny in these contestant packages actually. It kind of made me love him again. Angie is singing "Bring Me to Life" and oooh, this could be reallllly good. She starts out playing the piano and then gets up for the intense part. So far, so good, this is pretty awesome. Her voice sounds great but her facial expressions are kind of distracting. But if you close your eyes or type an email or something that doesn't matter haha.

Pretty good night tonight, I have to say. I'm sure Burnell and Lazaro will end up in the B3 tomorrow but I'm not really sure who will join them. Maybe Angie because she was probably the weakest of all the girls, I think. But we'll more than likely be saying goodbye to one of our two remaining guys. Brenna will take you through results and, according to my DVR, a performance by Carrie Underwood!

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