Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Look at all the lonely people

Nine contestants remain. We are, for the fifth or so year in a row, doing the music of the Lennon/McCartney songbook. Which means we are going to be subjected to more IGFB in April because they probably still haven't paid for the rights. American Idol.

Honestly, I have no predictions to what this group will sing. But someone will probably do "Imagine." Candice maybe. I'm not even paying attention to this Carly Rae Jepsen plug. Oh and then there's this thing, we have to find out who is going on tour, Aubrey or Charlie.'s Aubrey. No surprise there, sorry Charlie.

First commercial and we haven't even gotten to one song yet. Sounds about right. After the break, we've got Kree up first. I love her. She lost both of her parents before she even turned 20 years old. That is really sad. She picked "With a Little Help (From My Friends)" which I think she will totally nail. I think she sounds great, but the backing vocals and music are REALLY loud and overpowering. Another great, solid performance from Kree. Go girl!

Up next we have Burnell, who is from New Orleans.  His sister is awesome and hilarious. He is singing "Let It Be" and apparently never heard this song before?? What the actual fuck, Burnell? That is all sorts of ridiculous and a musical sin, practically. He is wearing a stupid looking jacket--in case you can't tell from the past blog entries, I have a problem with Burnell's personal style. This performance is leaving me a little bit cold and I usually like Burnell. Maybe it's because I'm still mad that he didn't know the song.

Third up tonight is Amber. She is from a tiny town in Texas, and we get a tour of her family farm with her sweet dad. She is going to sing "She's Leaving Home" which I don't think I know. She looks great, which I realize is a total Paula way to start this critique, but she does. I mean, she sounds fine enough, but the song is super boring. She even looks bored singing it. She hits all the big notes, not that there are that many, but this doesn't have me jumping out of my seat. Randy's talking about power notes, and I'm like, what?

After commercial, we have Lazaro. Oh Lazaro will totally sing Imagine, right? He's from Naples, Florida and his parents are totally cute and show off super embarrassing pictures of him, including one where he looks like he should be in Menudo. Oh wait, never mind, he's doing "In My Life", which is one of my favorite Beatles songs. I hope he does okay and that the judges don't make him speak, because I'm caught up and can't fast forward. WHOA, Laz, bright yellow blazer making me blind, dude. Something was weird about this arrangement, I didn't really like it, but Lazaro sounded okay. Not great, wasn't my favorite of his.

Candice talks about growing up on an island in South Carolina. Her family is really cute and supportive. She is going to sing "Come Together" tonight, and finally, something a little more up tempo. I love Candice. Like sometimes I can't even believe she's on this show. She looks like she should already be doing this professionally. There really isn't a lot left that we can say about Candice. She's awesome.

Up next is Cute Paul Jolley.He's from a tiny town in Tennessee and grew up in a trailer on a farm. His dad is so cute talking about how Paul would help build stuff. He's singing "Eleanor Rigby" and I know Brenna is freaking out because of how David Cook janked it up that one time. He starts out with some Adam Levine-ish falsetto and it's kind of great. This is honestly the best I think Paul has sounded. And so much for that pop/country thing he was going for, this isn't country at all. Completely disagree with Nicki here, she is on crack again. I might vote for Paul tonight just because all the judges are stupid.

LOVING Angie's hair tonight, she looks awesome. She is from Beverly, Massachusetts which is 30 minutes outside Boston. She's going to be singing "Yesterday"--remember when Boyz II Men sang this? Did I just show my age? Oh man, I don't like how this is starting. Her key is way too high. And Brenna brought up a good point--why isn't she playing the piano herself? This is not great, she's having some problems here. She'll probably still end up in the top 3 though, haha.

Devin is next, which means Janelle gets the pimp spot this week. Devin seriously looks more and more like Clay every week. Or maybe that's my own weirdness. He's from Chicago where he lives with his family, including his somewhat crazy mom who screams all the time. She seems nice here though. "The Long and Winding Road" is what Devin has chosen to sing tonight. This will probably really suit his voice well. Also are we not getting guest mentors? Just Jimmy every week? WE WANT HCJ. Devin sounds nice, pretty much like he does every week.

Janelle is in the pimp spot and she is going to be singing "I Will". I think Janelle is growing on me. I was kind of indifferent about her in the past few weeks but she seems like a cool girl and she does have a super voice. She sounds great on this song but it's another slow ballad (that I don't know unfortunately) and I don't know that it was pimp spot worthy.

Tomorrow we lose another guy--I mean, contestant. Oh who are we kidding, it's going to be a guy. Brenna will take you through all the results and guest performer madness!

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